Rockydennis Presents

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Stolen 2020 Presidental Election

Joseph “Papa” Biden is a crook. Biden is so criminal that he makes Richard Nixon look like Mother Theresa. He creeps on little girls, sniffs your daughter’s hair, and eliminates your job because you made bad choices. Like working. All employed individuals are domestic terrorists.

But how did we get here?

We the People have failed in our duty to rise up and protect Our Nation, Our Motherland, and our Constitution. We have allowed tyranny to rule.

For those of you who have been too busy living life and ignoring the CCP virus, the American people recently decided to allow a decrepit old criminal to be President, because he said so. Well, everyone around him said so. He doesn’t really say too much for himself.

“But Rocky!” you say, “Tucker Carlson told me Papa Biden is the President! Momala Harris says so, too!” While you have very valid points, since Momala Harris is the smartest person in the world, stacking 250 IQ points for every ethnicity she claims to be a part of.

Unfortunately, my friends, we have been lied to. Joe Biden not only lost the election, he did not receive a single vote. In fact, he only got elected because he proved he’s the most racist of all by ensuring that all mercury injections, I mean covid vaccines, be given to black people. HIlarious!

Oh right. More to the point, the real winner of the United States Presidential Election is Kanye West and running mate Vice President Michael Scott.

If anyone tells you otherwise, they are lying and a domestic terrorist. Kanye was there for us when we needed a generation to be inspired by musical and artistic talent. Now we need to be there for Kanye! We must fight like Hell for President West!