Drunk Buying Things


While letting the voices in my head act out a hypothetical scenario, a question was posed to me.

“So if you add up how much you made, where did it all go?”.

At one point in time I owned a manufactured home and rented an apartment simultaneously. I did use both. Having 2 homes is dope AF. But I digress. Point being, I definitely wasn’t hurting for money. Like, at all. There’s no good reason to have nothing left to show for it.

Was it the drinking? Yes, and no. It was directly an indirect cause. Or indirectly a direct cause? It was definitely a factor, but that in and of itself isn’t the answer we’re looking for.

Drugs? Hookers?

I wish! No, for real, that’s what I tell people. It’s true in that I’ve spent money on those things while drinking. But that’s not where the vast majority of it went. MLP stuff? That would also make sense, but no, that wasn’t it, either.

I’m not telling you what the hell it was. But it’s super embarrassing and super lame. Anyone else find that one of their worst habits is also one that other people would be ashamed of for you? Like, no one would even be mad at you…just disappointed.


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