Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks

Bare with me, fam, I’m on the strugglebus. Struggling to just pick 5 stocks. Between this video I’m watching about how Mark Zuckerberg is a rapist (hilarious) and the Reddit kiddies setting into motion something they can’t comprehend (such rage), I’m occupying every seat on the bus right now.

  1. GME - SHORT SELL SHORT SELL SHORT SELL! The Reddit kiddies are all going to end up broke by the end of this, so the adults might as well make some money off them. I’m not a fan of using margin in general, but this is such a sure bet, you can’t lose. Alternatively, you could buy lots of Puts.

  2. NOK - Don’t let the domestic terrorists on Reddit scare you off from this. Even though Nokia, unfortunately, got caught up in this whole mess, it was just some copycats looking to make a name for themselves. The only thing worse than having a bad idea is copying someone else’s bad idea. Who the hell do these punks think they are, China? GTFO here with that Huawei crap!

  3. NAK - I don’t want to say it’s now or never, because….it’s more like now…or later. Eventually. The thing is, $1 to $2 is awesome, but not Earth-shattering $0.40 to $5 is a HUGE deal. Also, I have it on good authority that gold mining is going to be a big deal very soon. Soon™

    Remember, too, the good things we hear have NOTHING to do with why we want to buy and hold this son-of-a-gun (and write calls, of course! ITM if you aren’t concerned about short-term capital gains!).

  4. DKL - This stock yields a high dividend. Other than that, I don’t like it. However, if you look at its history, there is a strange pattern of going up by 2 cents per payment. On average. For 6 years. This is weird, right? Or am I just smoking something?

  5. AHWSF - This company deals with poop. And as we all know, pooping is as popular today as it ever was. Possibly more-so since we can take and share pictures of our feats of defecation. The major problem I see is the company’s very short history and extremely low volatility. And yet, I bet we can make some money on it. I’m approaching with a bear/neutral/bear attitude.

If this week’s picks seem especially uninspired, that’s because they are. And it’s not getting any better if I have to do this all over yet again. Sorry fam, I’m just irrationally angry.


For all you Crypto Creeps, I see that CNBC talking heads were going on about BitCoin. Naturally I changed the channel to listen to a British person talk about cream cheese (obviously). I would postulate, however, that now may just be the last significant window to acquire any significant amount of BitCoin or Ethereum at a reasonable price. Whenever mainstream media talks about BitCoin, the SEC gets a giant hard-on for attempting to regulate something they don’t understand.

If you insist on “investing” in crypto, or are afraid that Papa Biden’s Not-So-Secret Secret Police will take you to Gitmo if you’re caught with actual cryptocurrency, just be aware that you’re taking on significantly more risk doing it that way. Mostly because of hyperinflation.

Ain’t nothin’ easy about quantitative easing ;)


Stolen 2020 Presidental Election


/wallstreetbets Just Pooped in the Punch