Rockydennis Presents Shop Shipping Policy

US Domestic Shipping : $0.00 (free)
Global North Shipping : $20 +$2/item
3rd World Countries : $35 + $5/item

*Shipping prices in some instances may be less than the displayed amounts. Under no circumstance will we apply shipping fees greater than those indicated above.

*Shipping outside of the US may be unavailable for some items.

Average handling time is 2-3 business days, with an average shipping time of 7 business days.
(This figure is a dynamic estimation).

*Digital products remain available for 24 hours after the first download.

Rockydennis Presents assumes no responsibility for items shipped through 3rd parties.

(Items we ship ourselves will be insured. Expected handling time for these items is 1 business day).

That said, if there is a problem, do not hesitate to Contact us and see if we might be able to offer some assistance.