Rockydennis Presents
Privacy Policy
Remember typewriters? Maybe you’re too young. What even fewer people know about are electric typewriters. Some of them you could even save a draft on a cassette, then have your paper auto-typed. Assuming the damn paper feed didn’t jam. Also, if you ran out of paper it would just keep going.
*Our Privacy Policy applies to all aspects of our operations. Multiple pages direct users here. Mailing list sign-up form can be disregarded. You DO NOT need to submit any additional information to ensure your data privacy. Rockydennis Presents has got you covered!
Rockydennis Presents Privacy Policy
All data submitted to Rockydennis Presents will be kept confidential. We won’t share it with anyone, anything, or any entity for any reason, not even for money. That said, we can’t be held responsible for what Google, the NSA, Amazon, Microsoft, or any governmental spy apparatus does with it.
Which is a moot point, they already have your info.
Also, there’s a serious lack of communication between departments. For your convenience, we’ve added an additional sign-up form below, just in case the page you came from didn’t have one already. If you’ve already submitted your information, you do not need to re-submit it.
(Feel free to, though. Duplicate messages rustles the mail clerk’s jimmies. More importantly, it won’t be my problem to deal with.)