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Mass Stabbings in China

You probably have no idea about this. Stabbings in China have been an increasing problem over the last decade. Lately, we’re starting to see more and more mass stabbings. Like, on a regular basis.

It sounds super familiar…almost like there’s some other similar mass bad event happening on a regular basis….

The Chinese do not have guns.

Like in Australia, or the UK, or any other country that outlaws gun ownership but actually has provisions for civilians to get a firearm?
In China, you do not own a gun. Period. (Triads and the PLA aren’t shooting up kindergartens, so we can skip that whole disclaimer).

This isn’t a whole thing about guns, even if I’d like it to be. It is important that we recognize, however, that we are seeing the exact same problem in two different parts of the world.

In the next section, we’re going to copy/paste present some data and stats, which are hard to find. And here’s a picture of a stab scene.

From Wikipedia’s China Massacres list, we get one stabbing from 2016.

  • The Yema Stabbings. A man was arguing with his parents over money. One thing led to another, and 19 people were killed. The other 17 people were neighbors that apparently had seen too much.

Tbh though that’s their own fault for being nosy. That’s how the Chinese roll. They have no fear of witnessing a murder in progress, as long as they can get up in your business.

One source has this to say,

  • In 2018, homicides for China was 7,525. Homicides of China fell gradually from 25,983 in 1999 to 7,525 in 2018.

That source also says there have been 0 firearms death in the same time period.

We should probably note that China is not known for accurate and honest reporting of data. If you don’t know, now you know, nigga!

(that reminds me, black people aren’t recognized as human in China. This is a real thing.)

Here’s a recent headline from ABC News. When did they start reporting true facts?

  • 33 Dead, 130 Injured in China Knife-Wielding Spree

Here’s one from CNN in 2020.

  • 37 children injured in a knife attack at elementary school in China

    By Shanshan Wang and Angus Watson, CNN

    Updated 5:28 AM ET, Thu June 4, 2020

  • 12/15/12 AT 2:39 PM

State-run news agency Xinhua has reported that Min Yingjun, 36, was arrested after he went on a stabbing rampage that left children and an elderly woman injured as they were walking to school on Friday morning.

  • Last August, a daycare facility employee in Shanghai went on a similar rampage, injuring eight children with a box-cutter. The victims were between the ages of 3 and 4 years old… the woman accused of the attack was 30 years old and suspected of suffering from mental illness.

  • In March 2010, a stabbing spree in Fujian province made international headlines after a man brandishing a 10-inch knife attacked students at the entrance of their school, killing eight and critically injuring five.

That concludes our presentation for today. These are relatively easy to find stats, and might be the only ones you come across. To illustrate this, I will end with a quote. Spoiler alert, the question still goes unanswered.

What's the Real Crime Rate in China?

February 12, 2013