Parrot Bites On the Rise in Indonesia

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Maybe it’s just a generational thing, but I always thought that not getting bit by birds was pretty easy. Mainly, you don’t put yourself into a position to get bit. Birds in general don’t typically attack humans. It might possibly be more of a problem with domestic birds and therefore irresponsible parrot owners?

Now, since Indonesia in particular is having such an epidemic of parrot-related injuries, maybe it’s time I spend some of the pennies I’ve been earning on (more) advertising for the book, “How To Make Your Parrot Stop Biting”. Link is available at the top of this page.

If you find that yelling at your bird, cursing at him, shaking his cage, throwing objects at him, or insulting his shortcomings isn’t reducing the number of average bites you are receiving (the ideal number, according to the Arkenstone Ornithological Society, is zero), then you really need this book.

As to why Indonesians in particular can’t seem to co-exist peacefully with their feathered friends, I have no idea. More correctly, I know exactly why it is, but to put it concisely will cause a bunch of jihadists to suicide-bomb my trailer. And to put it more explicitly and objectively would require a verbosity I simply do not have the energy for at the moment. The geopolitical history necessary to understanding modern day Indonesia’s problems is just far too much to delve into…..this time.


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