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As much as we’d all like to focus on our sheltered lives in our little cages with our arbitrary hierarchies paying each other for with money to labor and produce for the benefit of others (slavery, with extra steps), there’s a force that threatens us all equally.


China is evil. So evil that I needed to place this incomplete page at 4:30am immediately because I’ve sort of forgotten about the CCP lately.

I saw on Crossroads earlier that the CCP is threatening to arrest American nationals. As if this doesn’t already happen in secret. But that’s low-hanging fruit - EVERYTHING HAPPENS IN CHINA IN SECRET. There’s probably a secret city of Sentinelese scientists producing pocket-sized fusion reactors for $3.99. Secretly.

I’ve also noticed, but haven’t watched yet, some recent China Uncensored episodes regarding China and its planned invasion of Taiwan.

I’ve seen as well more and more videos regarding China’s influence on our political, educational, and financial institutions. Beijing’s meddling in American affairs is hardly a surprise, but seeing it mentioned more frequently in mainstream (Chinese influenced) media outlets is.

Oh, and the UK finally stopped sucking Huawei’s RMB-laden pp. Again, the surprise wasn’t the activities of the CCP but that the British FINALLY stopped playing ostrich.

I suspect the rush to get the iPhone 12 out has a lot to do with economic ties to China being cut. At the consumer level, nothing noticeable has happened yet. A year from now might be kind of rough. A year after that, and we should be producing rare earths in greater quantity than was previously imported from China. Then the following year we’ll back to drowning in tech products that are obsolete before they’re even designed.

Everything China does directly impacts our daily lives. In fact, it has been that way for several decades. Your average citizen of the free world will argue up and down and refuse to accept this. Fact is, we are at war. More correctly, China is at war with us (and really the rest of the free world). And they’re very open about it. For all their lies and secrecy, the CCP is surprisingly candid and detailed when it comes to their plans for destroying the United States as we know it.

Taiwan is pivotal in the war, and must be taken before Australia gets invaded. Here’s another fact that isn’t the least bit secret but for some reason the average person starts screaming “conspiracy theory” when they hear it - Taiwan is the US Navy’s largest, most unsinkable, aircraft carrier. Yes, Taiwan is its own country with its own history etc, BUT from a US strategic standpoint it’s an aircraft carrier.

“Slow your roll, Chief!” you say. “Why should I care? I got the Galaxy Fold, what else does this all matter? How does this affect my day to day life?!” Fair question. And honestly, there isn’t much you can do besides prepare for the future. Moreso economically than anything else. Invest all your money into Chinese owned companies. On margin. Just kidding, STOP GIVING MONEY TO THE CCP. Survival supplies aren’t a bad thing to have, either. A rifle you trust with lots of ammo. (Chinese people have a tendency to hide inside shipping containers. They could scale this up to a military application in case of conventional warfare). Other than that, stay fit, stay healthy.


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