You Know What’s BULLS***?


NBC ran a segment last night about mail-order pharmacies. They prefaced the piece by saying that people have, “received crushed pills, broken vials, and life-saving drugs at the wrong temperature”. I may have misquoted but that’s not super important. Bro, you ordered pills from the mail. WTF DID YOU THINK WAS GOING TO HAPPEN?

The subject of the story didn’t have any problems until recently when she switched pharmacies from an unnamed provider to Express something or other. This means there are some unanswered questions.

First off, if your daughter is what, 6 ? And you knew at age 2 that the medication (enzymes of some sort apparently) CANNOT be stored at room temperature, not even left in the car… So for reasons unknown you went from having I assume at least 3 years of problem-free acquisition and administration of this crucial drug your daughter depends on to having it shipped via USPS from a company named “Express”.

Why did you want to fix what wasn’t broken? Why did you want to try to get time and temperature sensitive material through the regular mail? Did you not think about how easily something could go wrong?

Then, instead of switching back to whatever was working just fine before, you continue to order through Express, and even contact them asking that they modify their business practices to suit your personal preference? And when you don’t get your way, you run to NBC and waste Lester Holt’s precious time with this nonsense?

I have enough problems of my own. Lester Holt makes each day better. That effect is mitigated when he’s reporting on other people’s problems that they brought upon themselves.


Lester Holt


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