Shen Yun Performing Arts is the world's premier classical Chinese dance and music company, established in New York in 2006. It performs classical Chinese dance, ethnic and folk dance, and story-based dance, with orchestral accompaniment and solo performers. For 5,000 years, divine culture flourished in the land of China.


No, not Shen Yun. SHEN. Price is ~$54. An $18 dividend was announced.

$18. On $54. Ex-div is 8/3/2021

That’s 24 days away.

Okay so we obviously went ahead and took out massive personal loans and YOLO’d on this stock.

In all seriousness, we don’t want to just chase a huge dividend simply because it’s big. Normally it’s a near-immediate pass on these things, but Telecommunications can be juicy. And I know the name “Shenandoah Valley” but have no clue where it’s at. They were founded in 1902. So they’ve been around for a while.

The company is about to, or just did, pay off some $700+ million dollars in debt. They’re also laying tons of fiber, and will be investing heavily into expanding their 5G capabilities.

What does this information tell us?

It tells us that in a buy and hold strategy, we can expect this stock to appreciate. over time. Honestly, at $18 a share coming back, there is no way the price won’t significantly fall on 8/3.

We’re not going to consider potential short-term plays, besides the single dividend. So we’re going to buy this, and expect to just hold on to it. Buy more shares with the dividend.

Why not just wait for the price to drop after div payouts?

There’s 24 days left. The price could definitely see some upward movement. That dividend ain’t getting any bigger.

I don’t like suggesting %s of total portfolio, that’s dumb. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being Nope 10 being YOLO), I’m at about a solid 6. I’m buying that much. and recommend you to do the same. But I am definitely buying.


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