Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks

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Options expire this week. There's also some nice 8%+ ex-divs. And then there's SHEN. Narrowing it down isn't easy, but mostly the plan is to just roll positions to next month.

  1. WKHS - Workhorse closed down on Friday. Hell yeah. More shares for cheap. Volatility is keeping premiums juicy on options.

  2. ATOS - This stock trades like RIOT did at the $4-6 range. We don't expect to see it jumping to $40, but the volatility and predictable movements are a real treat. Options trade weekly.

  3. RIOT - Closed at $32.94 last week. After missing out on $26 shares, we're going to add some shares before the price goes back to $40+. If we're lucky we'll grab a handful at discounts with limit orders at market open. We like using LEAPS as collateral, but we also very much like outrgiht owning shares, too.

  4. ARR - Ex-div is coming up. ABBV, as well. ARR is like 1/10th the price per share. The list notes aren't very clear as to what reason, if any, these two stocks are being mentioned together.

  5. SHEN - $54 stock paying an $18 dividend in August. Ex-div is 20+ days out, but we want it now. We know the red flags are going off, but we did the necessary google search and scanned the description. The history of dividends hasn't been great, but we are expecting significant gains. Unless internet and 5g stop existing. We expect to see the price move up, as well, as the ex-div nears.

We like telecommunications companies...established telecommunications companies. SHEN has been going at it since 1902, and the latest news sounds promising. They're going to install some significant amount of new fiber lines, as well. Infrastructure...real a worthwhile investment.


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