Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks

What doesn’t look good right now? The S&P went over $400 on Friday. Without checking, we’ll assume it closed a little lower. Coinbase tells us that Render is down about 8% over the weekend. This will keep the price of RIOT suppressed, while having a lesser impact on tech stocks overall. Render basically allows a person to sell graphics processing to the Cloud. That’s about as far as we’ll go, as the average person has neither the need for large scale rendering power, nor the excess power to lend. On to stocks!

(Robinhood now trades certain OTC stocks. Pretty much all Chinese pink sheets. Not recommended).

  1. WKHS - $3.27/share, weekly options. The share price took a massive hit when Workhorse lost a bid for a USPS contract, as the postal service moves towards an all-electric fleet. A couple weeks ago the USPS announced a significant increase in its purchase plans. How does this help WKHS?

    The company that won the USPS contract will be providing 50% of their vehicles. They’ll be reaching out further to buy as many vehicles and batteries as they can from other companies.

  2. FCEL - $3.59, weekly options, fairly volatile. Fuelcell energy is what it sounds like apparently. Without doing more than a cursory summary search, they apparently have multiple platforms that can provide various outputs, such as heat, electricity, water, and hydrogen. They also separate carbon from fossil fuels somehow, probably graphene.

    Frankly we feel that the description matches the performance of this security. This is why we’re not buying shares. We recommend using LEAPs. We will say that, if we were interested in holding shares, $3.59 is a reasonable price.

  3. DSX -$5.65/share, monthly options, ex-div 8/5 for $0.275/share. This will be the fourth dividend paid, and it’s unclear (to us, at this time) if this is a special dividend or part of a unique payout schedule.

    We like this Greece-based shipping company, but we don’t like Greece.

  4. ABGSF - $0.50/share. OTC pink sheet. This is a Norway-based independent investment bank. the Bank provides investment banking, stock broking and corporate advisory services that encompass the needs of both international investors and Nordic business clients. The Bank operates in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the United Kingdom, USA and Singapore.

    The risk of OTC pinks is pretty much negated. The fact that there’s even a company profile at all on TD Ameritrade is a huge plus. The last dividend was $0.10, out of $.19 for the year. That was in the spring, so we expect the next one to come in the fall.

  5. GPP - $13.81/share, ex-div 8/4. 13% annualized, paid quarterly. This upcoming dividend was raised from $0.445 to $0.45. Monthly options, as well. (We typically regret optioning our monthly income securities, to be honest).

    If you’re fresh into amateur investing, it’s going to be hard to appreciate why that’s huge in more ways than one.

    We recommend putting this on DRIP (dividend reinvestment plan, automatically reinvests your dividend into more shares). This is basically quarterly compounding interest.

    So why not do this for monthly distribution securities? We do!


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