Bitchy Podcasters

Who have no right to complain about anything.

AOC iAllegedly Tucker Max Tucker Carlson Zuby Tim Pool The Quartering Coffee Brand Coffee Zuby

These are all people with large media followings, being massively popular with the working class. They’ve also never experienced any form of hardship in their lives and find it necessary to routinely complain about their suffering.

“But Rocky!”, you say, “It’s 10 AM and you’re already being a jealous cunt!”.

Maybe a little. That aside, there’s this a bothersome trend among the independent journalists, popular primarily with the working class. That trend is that they are moving away from just sharing good, vetted, information and towards verbally masturbating about how much money and trauma they have.

Seriously, I watched some of these talking heads religiously, but can’t get through their self-indulgent monologues anymore.

Disclaim That Shit

These people are all wildly successful and are doing just fine without me.

Alright it’s immediately obvious that these are all different people doing different things. Let’s just bitch about them one at a time.

Zuby - The Inevitable Zuby, I think is the full title of this guy’s brand or something. I don’t actually care. This guy is wildly popular with rich white kids from the suburbs. Despite him obviously being black, he’s not a thug or a rapper. (Maybe he raps, I’m not buying an album to find out).

This dude is on all sorts of podcasts an talk shows, and is a multi-millionaire success. Straight out of the upper class of the United Kingdom, Zuby makes time to complain about how traumatizing and difficult his easy life has been.

Zuby gets two pictures because somehow he makes money with Twitter for Business. Goddamn, THAT is fu**ing impressive.

The Quartering / Coffee Brand Coffee - This dude isn’t as aggravating. He doesn’t pretend to have serious psychological damage from a perfect childhood, nor does he even really talk about all of the money he’s made talking about transgendered retards. He, will, however, routinely discuss the business aspect of YouTube as a job. The humble facade dissolves quickly.

Dude is more honest than most, and I do appreciate how confusing and misleading his brand is. You’ve got a Twitch gamer channel talking about current events/shock content while promoting Coffee Brand Coffee.

…wtf is even going on there? Anyway, the random and confuson is fine. We’re just sick of hearing this guy bitch about how hard his “work” is. Bro, we all know how to use FIverr to get professional video editing done for under 100 baht. Your actual workload is dick. Less than dick if you do one-take recording.

Nobody is perfect, but one particularly crass move was putting cash in Coffee Brand Coffee orders. This guy brags about “I’m giving my money to customers!”, which is already a facepalm, but whatever. Honestly, a lot of people probably loved it, and I personally would keep the cash, so… yeah.

Jeremy stops it up a notch, however. He doesn’t just flash his cash and throw into random packages, oh no. He PAYS someone else to flash his cash for him and stuff it in peoples’ orders. I love making $12 an hour cleaning this guy’s toilet just so I can watch him flash thousands of dollars willy-nilly.

*** I do not clean Jeremy’s toilet, nor anyone’s toilet for that matter. I also make much less than $12/hr***

Tucker Carlson - Tucker is in a class of his own, and he’s massively successful. He says a lot more truth than most talking heads, and doesn’t discuss childhood trauma that never happened or brag about his millions of dollars.

“So Rocky, what the fudge is your problem?!”, you ask, getting bored already.

Tucker is very dishonest. Yes, he says true things regularly. Yes, he calls out the blatant lies and BS from the ruling class/media/go…. .. … from the Illuminati. We’re just going back to Illuminati, it’s way easier and we all know what it refers to.

Anyway, Tucker Carlson leads us to believe he’s somehow “on our side” or “a voice for the people”. He doesn’t say that, it’s just the persona he gives off, which is totally reasonable. What’s not reasonable is that, at the end of the day, he’s a Democrat/Socialist/Nazi whatever the hell is going on with them.

See, despite what Tucker Carlson says, he will never abandon the hand that feeds him. Tucker needs them. Tucker Carlson needs woke leftists more than they need him.

Tucker Max - This is the guy that lit the stove my piss was on and brought it to a boil. This guy goes on Tim Pool’s show to, apparently, discuss how difficult his childhood was. He explains how he was never harmed in any way, his parents both loved and provided for him, and how much he struggled to overcome that damage.

This guy used to be “The Pickup Artist”, but then he dropped acid and now he’s a writer. That writes about being a 20 year old dude picking chicks. But do not call him the Pickup Artist, even if that was his moniker.

Okay, so this guy’s identity crisis .. whatever. A couple of major things stick out.

First, this guy whines about his troubled childhood. BRO, you literally told us how good it was 2 seconds ago.

Second, trying to pretend that doing drugs is somehow not doing drugs, as long as there’s a therapist present who controls your dosage. BRO, it doesn’t matter if you work or you play when you’re on LSD - YOU ARE STILL DROPPING ACID.

I love LSD and would love it more if I had some, that’s not the point. I can’t stand people trying to hide/minimize their drug use. “Ecstasy helped me so much! I wasn’t rolling tho, I was in therapy, totes different”. Whatever, keep lying to yourself.

Tim Pool - You know who this is. It’s statistically impossible that you haven’t heard of him or seen his picture. He has a massive audience, of mostly working class folks (which is statistically true of any independent infotainment show), and a small handful of upper-class and wealthy donors.

It’s a huge disappointment when you realize his entire brand caters specifically to those well-to-do folks that bankroll him. I can’t say that’s a particular fault, we all have to eat. Despite this guy constantly talking about his chicken farm and prepper food, the fact is he doesn’t look at prices when he’s hungry and he’s going to make sure it stays that way. (Who wouldn’t?)

He loves to talk about how much money he makes, the staff he employs, the money they waste on ad space just to interfere with real businesses, thousand dollar this thousand dollar that…

There’s nothing wrong with having money, and the show used to be great. More and more, though, the guests are just people like Tucker Max. More and more they spend an increasing amount of time verbally masturbating about money. Money money money.

You aren’t the only one running your own business and employing people with above-average salaries. Most of us don’t have talk shows telling the working class all about our wealth while we do it.

******** I don’t have employees. ***********

Timcast IRL was good. Before Tim told us every night how he makes shit tons of money, but it’s okay but he hires people.

Jobs are good, but your business doesn’t produce anything of value. Not particularly brag worthy that you hired employees to read the news with you.

iAllegedly - This guy proves that if you have a camera, a gimble, and two feet, you can get 50,000 followers. Content? What content? Dude is walking. Stfu and watch.

No, don’t watch, this show is the f**king worst. Since 2020 this guy has been walking around talking about economic collapse and recession. Steven van Metre has the same clickbait thumbnails about economic doom, complete with flames. The difference is, van Metre’s content is well fleshed out and informative, and not actually clickbait BS.

iAllegedly, however, just keeps walking around Venice Beach talking about recession coming and this and that. If you say it every day, it eventually will come true. Especially if you start making your predictions after we’re already in a recession.

This guy was wealthy to start with and has been completely unaffected by economic conditions, and will remain unaffected. He’s fake AF. Don’t even watch this fat pudge.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - The epitome of wealthy people bitching about working class problems, while intentionally working to make those problems worse.

I don’t think she has a podcast, though.

There’s not a whole lot to say about AOC. The other personalities, collectively, just remind me of AOC. Because she’s so fake and hypocritical. Kinda dumb, but not any more-so than any other hot chick that can afford to retire in her 30’s.

Pretty sure most people have no idea what AOC does or stands for, though. She fist pumps the air and screams against a backdrop of black folk. And she’s hot. Basically she’s traited 100% for great optics.

…except for pretending to be handcuffed. That might be the most epic fail of all time.


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