Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks

This is a tough week for picks, because we have lots of favorites with ex-divs (many of which are monthly distributions), and too little money to buy them all. Buying just one is not an option*, obviously.

LTC, the Gladstones, (GOOD, GLAD, etc), PCF, and DX among others. PCF is probably not available on Robinhood, unfortunately. Not all of us have multiple brokerage accounts, so those of us who don’t will miss out on this monthly high yielder. In any case, our picks are going to be hypothetical, since our budget doesn’t allow us to go beyond meeting in-house priorities.

*(Buying just one is definitely an option. We don’t really recommend buying lots of different stocks in small quantities. We’re not against it, we do it, because that’s basically what ETFs do - but we aren’t specifically suggesting you do it).

  1. ACVF - Speaking of ETFs, American Conservative Values Fund , $32.94 a share. It has a small dividend, and we’re not really sure when the ex-div date is. We’re picking up a share, as a priority. Just one.

  2. EC - $19.65 , Ecopetrol S.A. ADR. Ex-div on Tuesday, and we want to get in on the 0.45% yield.

    As if there needs to be any further reason to buy this stock, we are buying this totally blind and rolling the dice. Weighted, in our favor, but still ultimately taking some unnecessary risk in that there is no due diligence being applied.

    In lieu of any substantive data to backup our position, let’s just say the decision is based on long-term oil reasons.

  3. SLRC - $17.87 ex-div on Wednesday. There’s been some sort of shift in the force of this company. This doesn’t come as a surprise, we got the notice about what was going on. Let’s bypass due diligence once more and blindly buy a few shares.

  4. HRZN -$14.19 Ex-div is Monday, so we’re really just taking advantage of the discount in share price. This stock pays monthly, annualizes at 8.43%, and has a decade of consistent payment. Nice!

  5. PINS - $22.20 , weekly options. We like Pinterest.


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