Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks

It’s tax season, ladies and gentlemen, and we hope yours is going splendidly. The cool kids take their tax season later on in the year and just get the automatic extension. We have no practical reason for doing so…we’re not there yet. Hopefully you are, or will be soon!

  1. WEAT - This fund is wheat. Price and interest yield don’t even matter, for two reasons. Firstly, there are limited options for getting exposure specifically to wheat.

    Futures contracts might likely be out of the reach of our intended audience. Secondly, you really just need exposure to wheat itself, however you get it. Maybe need is a bit strong, but we strongly recommend it.

  2. MAIN - $43.07 , monthly dividend of $0.20+ cents, annualized to 6.15%. This is a quality safe-space to park money, with a decent return. Ex-div on Tuesday.

  3. SBLK - Star Bulk Carriers Company, $31.76, 16.52% return. Ex-div Tuesday.

    The high return is based on a recent jump in the dividend price. This quarter we’ll be receiving $2.00. We don’t expect that to continue in perpetuity, but we won’t be surprised to see it hang around for a bit, either. Mostly we see this stock going up.

    What do they do? Shipping bulk dry resources such as iron ore and bauxite. According to their summary, “It generates revenues through the voyages it carries out.”.

    Any company that is generating revenue from voyages is a definite buy.

  4. ET - $9.76 a share, 7.16% annual yield. Ex-div is in May. The price is right, and options trade weekly. Very choice.

  5. VNOM - $28.49, 5.52% return, ex-div Thursday. Another stock in the energy sector, just in case. INDO just recently went up about $4 in a day (Indonesia Energy) to 12$. We see that as a worthwhile investment, as well.


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