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Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks

Alright folks, we have almost a month before another holiday. let’s make the most of it. All in on BTCFX.

Just kidding, kind of. We keep coming up with mixed assessments, and ultimately we just aren’t sure. We put the minimum purchase into it and we’ll see what happens. We feel that if you’re trying to speculate on Bitcoin, this fund as one of your best bets.

Generally we disapprove of “trading” crypto on platforms like Robinhood or eToro, nor would we recommend trading on an actual crypto exchange (for our target audience). What we do recommend is holding Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies on a cold wallet.

Taxation and government attempts to regulate cryptocurrency is beyond the scope of this article, but we do want to point out that if you buy from Coinbase, Kraken, or Gemini (there’s others), then you will definitely be paying taxes on any realized gains.

And now back to your regularly scheduled programming…

  1. RIOT - This is like semi-exposure to Bitcoin. Changes in BTC price have become slightly less significant in of its effect on RIOT share price. Just a little bit. Price sits at $34.92 ahead of Monday, which is a good time for a cash-secured put.

    Aside from weekly options with solid premiums, RIOT is also good for day trading for those of us who like lots of fast action, but can’t afford to play with SPX.

  2. PROG - Premiums are juicy on options. As some of you know, we already have exposure to Progenity. (They do some kind of prenatal something biomedical blah blah blah. All I know is, people keep making babies, so there’s a forever market). Given the low price, $3.64, recent volatility, and short history on the market, we’re taking baby steps.

    One new covered call, or a LEAP if you prefer. If this thing farts out on us, we don’t want to be holding a bag that’s going to take a year or more to ROI.

  3. SQFT or SQFTP - Both the common and preferred shares are great. The common is $3.84 with a 10.73 yield paid quarterly. The preferred is $24.42 with a 9.59% annualized return, paid monthly. Don’t let the short dividend history scare you, SQFT is a great ticker symbol.

    The company is pretty good, too, from the 5 seconds of scanning Yahoo!’s page 1 search results. The name is the only part that ever matters.

  4. HMLP.A - $21.61, 8.75% cumulative/redeemable. The common shares would be, and will be a solid buy, but are currently not great. Supposedly the dividend is being cut to $0.01 in 2022 for common shares. Preferred remains unaffected.

    Not much chance of being redeemed, either, from what I understand. Which is too bad….I wouldn’t mind buying at $21.61 and selling at $25. $3.39 on $25.00.. That’s something in the neighborhood of 15%.

  5. PBR - Petrobras, at $10.47, isn’t just your best petroleum megacorporation option emerging from Brazil, it’s your only option. They’re being privatized or something. Ex-div is 12/2, with an especially high dividend of $1.11. Brazil is at some sort of substantial transitional point in their socio-economic collective conscious. Or the rich (in Brazil) are just getting richer (in Brazil).

    We’re holding this one for the long haul. It’s part of our “foreign companies we can buy on Robinhood” basket in our portfolio. What’s an ADR? We don’t care, we’re using Robinhood.