Boris Johnson and Peppa Pig

Vroom Vroom! Brah brah! Boris Johnson comes under criticism after speaking to world business leaders about Peppa Pig World.

It’s pretty funny to watch. Not surprisingly, the media is trying to paint a picture of Johnson being as incompetent and senile as Joe Biden. Which, I mean, well yeah. We already knew that.

Look, we all know Boris Johnson is autistic and has no idea what’s going on. He’s still afraid of getting his hair cut for crying out loud. Are you really surprised that he sees Peppa Pig’s inter-park transit system as a model for real world, practical, mass transit? Come on now.

To be honest, I think most people kind of got the gist of what he was trying to get at. Clearly he was wholly unprepared to be speaking, and tried to make the best of it while wearing a smile. The adult thing to do here is to give the guy a pass. If you need to hate on a sped that badly, he does plenty of stupid stuff intentionally to warrant it.

Now, I heard about this on Gravitas. So your experience may differ, but just so we’re clear here. Anyway, coverage of Boris Johnson being himself was only mildly amusing. The real entertainment came near the end of the segment, in which they stated that the British are now starting to question Boris Johnson’s competency.

Hold on. You mean to tell me that literally nothing before Peppa Pig came into play was indicative that BoJo might not be the most fit person to be Prime Minister? Seriously?


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