Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks

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This week I aggressively liquidated most of my holdings to farm premiums on RIOT and NAK. I also have a contract of VBIV and GNUS, which I’ll explain a bit. But first, the picks.

  1. RIOT - I’m no crypto expert, and I only just last night learned about the USD-D, which to me lends credibility my previous conclusion, and that is, Cryptocurrency, particularly Bitcoin, is here to stay. Since this blockchain technology is a crucial component to that (as much as fiber optic cable is crucial to telecommunications), this is a no-brainer. The company has also invested heavily into its Bitcoin mining capabilities recently. - Options trade weekly!

  2. CODX - I’ve had a love-hate relationship with this one, but really before I got emotionally embroiled in it, it has behaved just as I had expected prior to ever buying any shares. (We all do at least a cursory search on the companies we invest in, prior to investment, right?). Also, it trades options weekly. At $13-14, it’s not quite within my grasp for chasing premiums, but soon.

  3. RIBT - Nice cheap stock that is on its way to doubling or tripling in value over the next year. And if I’m wrong, well hell, it’s cheap. Food anything I’d be looking at for a profit in the next 12-18 months. Not even sure if all of what RIBT does involves what would be considered a food product, but it all starts with rice either way.

  4. LNT - I really want to add this into my portfolio for dividends soon.

  5. CE - Same as LNT. In both cases I’m looking them as solid long-term holds for dividends.

My personal goals have affected this week’s picks, as well as my portfolio significantly. I’m aggressively pursuing selling covered calls/puts to farm the premiums. My goal is to see $20 out of every $100 per month, at a bare minimum. Rather, it was. Now my goal is $620/week.

Now, I can’t say that my strategy is the best strategy ever, but it’s working for me. Right now it’s all about replacing my working class paycheck. Honestly, not a tough goal to achieve. (It’s easy to say that now that I’ve gotten myself educated enough to get my hands dirty and see results).

I’m sure that once you get involved with more significant amounts of money, the game changes in ways I can’t yet comprehend.


Baby Rakins


Go to Bed!