Rockydennis Presents

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Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks

This week we’re investing in TimeShares!

No. No we’re not doing that. That’s a terrible idea. We are, however, going to plow money into Credit Suisse’s commodity ETFs, and a couple of oil stocks.

Simple, basic, straight to the point.

  1. GLDI - $143.88/share, 9.27% yield. Gold.

  2. SLVO - $70.19/share, 15.19% yield. Silver.

  3. USOI - $74.05/share, 24.82% yield. Oil.

  4. SHEL - $62.83/share, 5.03% yield. Shell company stock. Buy it.

  5. EOG - $114.46/share, 3.18% yield. Formerly known as Enron, what could possibly go wrong?

Regarding the aforementioned ETF yields - those numbers do fluctuate quite a bit, and don’t take into account expense ratios. They are solid, high yielding funds. However, don’t expect to get $0.25 on the dollar every year from USOI. When prices slump, so do the distributions.

That being said, Buy, Buy, baby!