Rockydennis Presents

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Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks

This week we’re on autopilot. Something tells us you are, too.

60 degrees in Detroit today! WOOO! PARTY!

  1. T - $16.84/share, weekly options, and we’re beyond the ex-div. 6.599% annualized yield.

  2. UEC - $7.71/share, weekly options. No dividends (yet). We need to start buying shares, because we’re almost certain to get exercised on our written calls.

    It’s really bittersweet. We love uranium, we love money, and we love making money on uranium. Yet, we almost would prefer holding our shares to selling for a gain.

  3. ET - $13.94/share, quarterly distributions annualized at 9.05%, weekly options. We got forced into selling for a gain on a call option.

    The only reason we don’t immediately buy more at the current price? We want to buy at a discount when the market crashes in April.

  4. CVX - $151.04/share, 4.232% annualized. That’s all we know, that’s all we want to know. We love oil, and Chevron knows oil. This is an obvious pick.

  5. NOC - $454.92/share, 1.657% annualized return. We’re not seeing options, but we also aren’t looking.

    The universe is telling us to buy into this massive weapons producer ahead of the United States officially entering World War 3 in October.

    Did we make some pretty strong predictions? Maybe, but the end result is the same. We buy the right stocks, we get the right dividends, and we keep doing what we do.