Rockydennis Presents

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Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks

Wow! What a week!

Anyone else lose money Credit Suisse spreads? We opened a bunch for $1. So we lost like, $6.50 and change.

Workhorse is down. Credit Suisse is down. RIOT is up!

We’ve started going through our K-1’s to determine where we have losses and where we need to claim income, and it’s become painfully obvious that the best investments are LP’s. With that in mind, let’s make some smarter purchases this week….

  1. CS - $2.01/share, 5% annualized yield paid quarterly, ex-div 5/9, options trade weekly. What would possess us to double down on Credit Suisse? Besides having complete faith in the Swiss art of making money, they’ll probably be bought out by UBS.

    The current offer is up to $1B, but isn’t final. We haven’t done a lot of homework on UBS, other than knowing that they’re large and in charge….of making money. This can only benefit the share price of CS.

  2. UBS - $18.20/share, 3% annualized, paid quarterly, ex-div 4/11. Options trade monthly.

    Why not? If they’re going to absorb CS….

  3. ET - $11.99/share, quarterly dividends of an annualized 10% return, weekly options. Energy Transfer is a Limited Partnership, and they do exactly what their name implies - they transfer energy. You like energy, don’t you?

    We really don’t expect to see this price going much lower, may as well get in on the new floor while we can.

  4. USAC $19.73/share - Wow! The price has just been climbing slowly but steadily for a few years now. Dividends and distributions are somewhat irregular, but based on last year we’re anticipating an announcement for an April distribution soon. Options trade monthly.

  5. SWBI - $10.81/share, 3.7% annualized paid quarterly, last ex-div was 3/15. Options trade monthly.

    This is Smith & Wesson. We see the price is at about a 3-year low, which is a great time to get in before the next attempt at overreaching gun control legislation.

    Is there a cause and effect between progressive non-sense and the spike in gun manufacturer’s share price? The TV says yes.

    As far as we’re concerned, you can pry ours from our cold, dead, hands.