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Pornhub VS Mastercard

Alright I’m not even going to try to pretend there’s any argument or excuse for this total BS. It’s a safe guess that this is the result of an angry liberal trying to stir up commotion, probably to distract from all the election fraud proceedings. Although maybe it really is sheer stupidity. Not sure if you saw the Georgia hearings, but if you did you’ll recall the the woman (I can only assume is a Democrat) telling them the videos of ballot stuffing had been debunked. After clarifying that the tapes were being shown for the first time during the proceedings…well, anyway, it’s like they’re not even trying to think before speaking.

SO WTF DID PORN HUB DO WRONG? The short answer, is nothing. They are accused of knowingly participating in child sex trafficking.

Few things wrong with this. Firstly, it’s interesting that anytime there’s an accusation of illegal sexual material being proliferated on the internet, there’s just a vague accusation, no actual proof. If they did this to say, one of those family nudism sites, it would be looked at, nothing illegal would be found, and investigation over. And in fact, there’s no criminal investigation happening so far.

In fact what is happening is, the complaint was filed with Mastercard. They’re doing their due diligence and investigating per their company policy, but they’re not going to find anything incriminating. They MIGHT find irregularities in billing and have to issue a refund or require payment for monies owed. Maybe.

A complaint was also filed with American Express. American Express isn’t involved whatsoever with Pornhub, or ANY porn site for that matter. That’d be like if I called the police on my neighbor for let’s say dealing drugs (I wish my neighbor sold drugs) should I also call the U of M Hospital in Ann Arbor to let an ER nurse know?

Another huge problem here is, Pornhub is a huge, widely-known enterprise. They’re a household name. The amount of money they make between subscriptions and advertisements (and I bet some paid rankings from companies like Brazzers) makes pursuing illegal activity impractical and not profitable.

What else? Oh yeah, it’s 2020. Child porn isn’t a thing. Okay, so it is actually a thing, but you aren’t going to find it on the “Open web”, that censored and controlled part of the internet that the average person sees. If you want Cheese Pizza, you need to get onto the Dark Web (Deep Web? I think someone started marketing the terms differently now that Tor is in the mainstream). Point being, get yourself a disposable laptop and some Starbucks wi-fi, then hope that bad things don’t happen as a result of your activity.

You know where you DON’T find Cheese Pizza? At giant mainstream sites like Pornhub.

That brings up another interesting point - if you found exploited children, an important question really needs to be brought up - HOW DID YOU FIND IT AND WHY WERE YOU LOOKING FOR IT?!

One has to wonder what the endgame here is. If there’s some moral objection to porn in general happening here, well, where’s the moral objection to crying wolf? If someone is hoping to somehow implicate Mastercard, good luck pal. You aren’t even on their radar. Attention seeking, maybe? Some people are fine with negative attention.

You know what it is? The person making these allegations tried to upload some homemade content to the ‘hub, and the reviewers denied it. Apparently the PP was so smol that it didn’t even count as porn, and now the butt is hurt.