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Drug Addict Posthumously Losing Court Case

Patient Zero, or colloquially known as “George Floyd”, is widely known to have died due to complications resulting from Covid-19. New evidence coming out during the on-going court case suggests that he died from a drug-induced hypoxia. The media wants to hold the arresting officer responsible, because… honestly I’m not sure why. Apparently in 2020 it was popular to hate police. Maybe we were all just smoking too much meth.

So because a career criminal overdosed on fentanyl and meth (I’m surprised he lived long enough to try to rob the liquor store that called the cops in the first place), black people across the country decided to set fire to homes and businesses. Makes perfect f’king sense to me.

Wait, no, that makes absolutely no sense. No wonder Joe Biden is trying to depopulate the negro communities. Not saying it’s right, just saying it’s not hard to see where he’s coming from. But this isn’t about Joe Biden’s war on minorities. This is about George Floyd and how he is not a hero or role model.

There really isn’t a whole lot to discuss. He got high, tried to pass fake $20’s at a liquor store, got the cops called, and started to asphyxiate while handcuffed in the back of a police vehicle. EMT was called and they attempted to get him out of the vehicle (that was their only real mistake, but I guess they didn’t want him to feel claustrophobic) and secure the area. Not sure that people realize this, but when a crowd surrounds a police interaction and medical personnel are requested, those personnel cannot attend to the patient until the crowd and suspect are fully under control.

Floyd was already as good as dead, but if anything could have been done (not sure a Narcan kit works on fentanyl), we’ll never really know.

It seems really strange that there was an entire movement based on racial hatred sitting on the sidelines waiting to appear as soon as this story originally aired. It’s almost like George Floyd was intentionally used to motivate black tribalism and violence.

“But Rocky!'“, you say, “Black Lives Matter existed before this! It didn’t start as an extremist hate group!”.

Well, when you’re right you’re right. Turns out Black Lives Matter was indeed already a thing, but it began as a peaceful movement to seek solutions to race-based problems in areas where ethnic communities clash with one another. Unfortunately, in 2020 and beyond, BLM is all about looting CVS and setting apartment buildings on fire.

Just trying to follow that logic hurts my brain.

Let’s imagine what happens if we change the set and setting. Instead of Milwaukee, let’s pick Florida. Instead of George Floyd, let’s pick NIcholas Rubino. Instead of fentanyl let’s pick meth. Just kidding, it was both…in both cases.

Now I have absolutely no clue as to whether this guy tried to rob a liquor store or became combative with police, or if his death was blamed on anything besides the drug overdose that caused it. None of that really matters, since in 2020 and beyond, facts don’t matter.

So let’s say this guy died of a drug overdose while under arrest. Since the arresting officer would most likely be hispanic, does this mean all the snowbird retirees decide to start looting Valeros and setting fire to favelas? And do they do so under the pretext that White Lives Matter?


Frankly none of your lives matter, you’re all equally worthless.

I don’t understand how Elon Musk is part of this meme, but apparently he is.