Officer Forced to Resign for Checking ID


Officer forced to resign after risking his life protecting the citizens of somewhere in Colorado.

This imagery may appear familiar and even outdated or irrelevant to some, as apparently this is back from 2019, before Black Lives Matter started mass riots across the nation. YouTube wanted me to watch it, after I was done watching the latest news on the George Floyd case. Oh don’t you worry, ladies and gentlemen, we’ll circle back to George Floyd and his fentanyl-induced hypoxia later. For right now, let’s reflect on the injustice that Officer Smyly suffered.

In all fairness, Smyly is reported to have resigned before being suspended or terminated, which is what MSNBC informs me is “What would have happened”. Therefore, arguably, the only injustice he suffered was being harassed and berated by the homeless man that could not produce identification.

I also do not know what the laws are in Colorado, so it’s quite possible that what transpired here could have led to a court case that would have been simply dismissed on a technicality. I could see that. What do you expect from a state ran by potheads?’

It’s extremely pertinent here that 99% of my source information comes from , “Officer Detains Citizens for Trespassing at His Own Home” posted by Audit the Audit on September 10, 2019, on YouTube.

What the video shows is an uniformed officer’s bodycam footage. He approaches a person acting suspiciously and asks the usual questions, “Who are you, and what are you doing here?”. Already this cop is one of the friendliest I’ve ever seen. The man in question is unable to produce ID, and doesn’t know his own address. Now, I’m fairly certain that being unable to recite one’s own address isn’t in and of itself any sort of infraction. However, being unable to produce a Photo ID probably is. If nothing else, the lack of ID is enough reason to detain anyone until they can be verified.

Again, I don’t know how the Stoner State operates, but at least in Detroit if the cop asks for ID, you show them some ID.

That would have been the end of it. Maybe the guy legitimately didn’t have ID. That’s possible, but highly unlikely. Rather than sit patiently and wait the 5 minutes it would take to verify that all is well, the guy in question became non-compliant and verbally abusive towards the officer. He also was wielding a weapon.

Now it’s important to understand the context here. The potential weapon held by the angry little man was a garbage-picker. To the average person this hardly looks like a weapon. To an officer, or a career criminal, it’s a blunt object that can inflict bodily harm. If you think an object is harmless, here’s a real simple test to determine if it can be used as a weapon : Give said harmless object to a prison inmate and wait to see how long it takes for that object to be used to injure or kill another inmate.

The guy also tries to accuse the officer of trespassing on “his private property”. The small apartment building is just that, an apartment building. The individual most certainly has no claim to the property itself. Also, they’re not actually on the actual property the building is constructed on for most of the video.

Around 13 minutes into the video, backup arrives. Rather than becoming compliant, the suspect becomes more aggressive and refuses to put down his weapon. He has no problem setting down the bucket of garbage, but he just can’t let go of the baton. The narrator seems to be rather confused as to how facts work, since he bounces between accurately describing the video to debunking his own video based on third-hand testimonial from someone that can’t be seen in the video.

There’s way more here to pick apart than I care to, I just wanted to paint the picture of what was going on here. An officer asked a suspect for ID, and the suspect refused to comply. The officer was cordial, polite, and extremely patient.

Again, I don’t know how Colorado law is written. I assume poorly, since the narrator keeps referring to case precedents. I assume the narrator is more or less correct, because I don’t care to factcheck a robo-voice scripted by a stoner. Speechelo is pretty dope, tho.

Now, what would happen if you tried to pull this crap with Detroit police?

When the police ask you to stop, YOU STOP.

When the police ask you to stop, YOU STOP.

I realize that it’s nearly impossible for today’s generation of sissies to understand who the police are and what it is they do, since that would involved getting off XBox Live and going outside. Trust me, you’re better off inside, I am not advising you to venture into sunlight.

However, if you’ve ever dealt with the police then you probably know that the best thing to do is to shut your mouth and comply with their requests. As long as you’re being honest, the situation ends very quickly and you get to be spoken to with courtesy and respect, which is more than you get from your friends and coworkers.

TLDR - When This Guy Asks for ID, Show Him Your Goddamn ID


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