Rockydennis Presents

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Old World Structures

There are no pictures in this post. Check out this article or this one for mudflood porn.

I have to imagine that anyone coming to Rockydennis Presents for Tartaria and antiquitech related content has probably already familiarized themselves with YouTubers such as John Levi, Michelle Gibson, and of course, Paul Cook.

If you haven’t, then treat yourself to some quality YouTube time. Divergent is worth a mention. Dude is crazy, and started wearing an Admiral’s hat at one point. He mostly just rants super fast and it’s not always wrong but…lol just check it out.

Now, while any of these channels (and many more) are all very entertaining and engaging, they’re not all created equal. Mostly people are just sharing what they see, their reaction, and their thoughts and conclusions. It’s all good, but it leaves us with many unanswered questions and handfuls of equally plausible theories.

Paul Cook has done some travelling and brought us footage of how some of the old world architectures are manufactured. The guy has been doing actual research into construction, gained access to LIDAR, and other genuinely scientist-like stuff.

If old world architecture and resets are something that pique your interest, and you want a more clinical and technical lense with a UK accent, treat yourself to some Paul Cook.