Mudflood Addendum
This is the shit I’m talking about. No, not the picture. The picture is just really pretty. I just feel compelled to say something in reference to the Mud Flood community being tainted by conspiracy theory saboteurs.
Okay, so firstly, this article (by the time I get to the meat of it) really belongs in the previous article, Tartaria, Mudflood, and Flat Earth . I really don’t feel like going back and reading through it and finding the right place, and trying to remain focus while getting distracted by my late-night ramblings incoherence…
Also, I assume you didn’t bother reading all of it either. Doesn’t matter, the pictures are dope.
I’ll further assume that what happened next was merely the result of Google’s omniscient surveillance network. You know, just listening in on all my devices that are supposedly turned off. Just spying ya’ll, NBD. The next day (last night), YouTube showed to me a 6 hour documentary on Tartaria. The Rockydennis Presents YouTube account is perma-banned, so I am forever a guest (4everalone.jpeg). Yet my phone still gets updates from my subscriptions….
Right, so I don’t know if anyone remembers the “Zeitgeist” film. Probably not since that was back when DivX was still a thing, and the modern sequels/reiterations are totally bastardized and twisted remakes (not surprising, really). So this Tartaria film had sort of that feel to it. You know, a well produced video about the stuff that your TV tells you are conspiracy theories. You aren’t sure even what a conspiracy is, but you’ve been trained to immediately dismiss anything labelled as such.
There were quite a few things I kind of gave a pass to. It’s 2021, and Joe Biden is President. So, obviously we’ll overlook the fact that the intro mentions Flat Earth and promises to tie it into antiquitech and ancient maps, etc. And, you know, I’m pretty open to that idea. In fact, it would make sense that the whole web of false history would be tied into with the false teachings of our world and universe. We would very much prefer to keep these topics completely separate and focus on one thing, but hey, it’s 2021.
There weren’t too many major issues I had, particularly since the first hour seemed pretty legit. The narrator made it pretty clear what was opinion versus what we can actually observe. Again, probably best to make separate videos to explore these things, but whatever. I’m open, but also super skeptical at the same time, so not really a deal-breaker if I need to fact check a few things after the show’s over.
Is it possible these flights paths don’t exist because there isn’t exactly a ton of New Zealanders trying to visit South America? Christ almighty, it’s like these people forget that most of the world is devoid of human life, and the majority of that space has not even had present-day humans pass through. Hell, try exploring New Zealand on foot, or even fly a Cessna around. It’s an impossibly large amount of land for a human to observe - and that’s just a tiny island compared to most land masses.
If the entire world population were in the same place, that blue cube is how much space they would occupy. Granted, it’s a pretty huge frigging building, and dwarfs pretty much everything else in New York. And that is merely the space for physical human bodies. Let’s do one more picture to illustrate this point, then we’ll get back to it.
Oh, nevermind. The image I wanted to use isn’t a picture file. It’s a chrome webfile or whatever the hell. It was just a basic map of New York city, divided by continent. Same idea of fitting all humans in a relatively small area - but instead of stacking in a big cube, they’re scattered over a metropolitan area….presumably in a similarly crowded and uncomfortable manner.
Sorry, picture time always distracts me. Anyway, the narrator of this video I was watching last night, may or may not have talked about flight paths. I turned that shit off before it got that far. What had started to happen was that he started talking about Flat Earth. That’s where the writing is on the wall but I’m still holding out hope for something different…something besides the same script as every other Flerther video…
…and shit, what do you know, he starts talking about curvature of the Earth and water finding its level.
God. Damn. It.
It really doesn’t matter if the Earth is flat, round, in space or in Hell, cubical or gay, animal or vegetable, Atheist or negro. (Yeah, those pairs don’t make a whole lot of sense because IT DOESN’T MATTER). The physics we experience day to day don’t suddenly change because we realize our understanding of the world is wrong. We still have an effect we call gravity, we still have a rising and setting sun. FFS why?
(Why - To discredit in a broad and sweeping manner any discussion of the world we live in that doesn’t parrot what the Jesuit school system taught us. But we’re not here to talk about the global socialist establishment).
This guy starts going on about how the water of our planet sits flat and still instead of flying off into space. ….
Clearly this guy has never been in an airplane, or on a train, or in a car…or played with a ball while in motion.
When you’re in a vehicle, if you hold an object up above your head and let go - What happens? Does it fly backwards and smack the person behind you? Or more accurately, does the person behind you rush forward and smack into the object?
NO. The Answer, is NO.
So then why the hell would you expect the world’s water to start flying off into space? If it was that easy, the guy with the jetpack that was harassing commercial flights and airports would just end up in space by accident.
Has the dude ever seen water? Aside from small ponds and lakes, the water doesn’t ever sit still. Yes, I know, there’s fish and stuff. But still, he’s basically contradicting himself in one breath. When you go to Myrtle Beach this summer, be sure to take lots of video of all the flat, still, water. Jesus.
Anyway, that’s pretty much the shit I was talking about in the last post. I’m trying to get into these alternate ideas, explore some possibilities, see what other people have to say about these ideas that many of us have or things we’ve observed that lead to questions…
Then this guy shows up and pretends to have answers, but his entire theory of everything rests on “water finds its level”.
Even if there was accurate, valuable, insight that came after, it’s a total wash. If you come at me with some dumb shit out of the gate , what are the sheer odds that I’m going to believe a damn word of anything else you say? Let alone the possibility of it being remotely correct?