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Johnson & Johnson Vaccine

If you still think the CCP virus is a threat to you in some way, you are probably well aware that vaccines are now readily available everywhere in the world at all times for all people, for free. The only hoax is the hoax about vaccine hesitancy. That’s part of the narrative to try to divide and control, but hey this isn’t about any of that noise. CNN and FOX can have it, we don’t care anymore (most of us never did).

The issues with the J&J Covid-19 vaccine are not the fault of Johnson and Johnson. This is extremely important to keep in mind. They were slow to jump on the bandwagon, because they’re a responsible company that puts the safety and quality of its products before profits. For such a massive company, maintaining integrity is a lot more work than just saying, “Trust us!”. Not that facts matter, it’s 2021, after all.

Don’t panic sell your J&J shares, that’s stupid. Realistically, Johnson and Johnson is doing just fine without your $25 worth of a fractional share on Robinhood. For your own financial well-being, be smart. Buy more shares of J&J and continue to buy their products. Just not their vaccine.

Now if the choice is between J&J or AstraZeneca, then go with the Johnson & Johnson. However, if you can wait, then wait. A year from now the current issues will have been resolved. Ideally you would get the Pfizer vaccine yesterday, but it has a high price-tag and may not be available to poor people.

If you are considering a Chinese-made vaccine, then please don’t procreate. Actually, since it’ll sterilize you, it doesn’t matter. Go ahead and take 2.

If you’re just not going to get a vaccine, then I recommend investing in a fake vaccine passport now before the government changes its mind on not mandating vaccination.


The J&J vaccine has virtually no risk of side effect. It’s more likely that you’ll get ineffective doses.