Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks


This week’s feature pick is WOOD ETF.

Just kidding. I was aware that lumber prices were going up, but I hadn’t checked until just now. The feature picks is, well, whatever, let’s just get into it.

  1. SEEL - If I can only make a single trade this week, it’s going to be writing a Cash-secured Put. A CSP works like this - you put up the money to buy the stock at a certain price, and you get a premium. If the stock price is above the strike price at expiration, you get your collateral back. I already own shares I’ve written calls on, but that is also a great option right now as well. It’s just too bad this trades monthly.

  2. WOOD - Speaking of puts, buying a few puts at the current price for about a year out is a great idea. We suspect that buying and holding this ETF carries a low risk, but are not personally feeling it. Also, we know very little about lumber markets.

  3. BLNK - For investing or for trading, you can’t go wrong buying into Blink right now.

  4. TPGY - Like the European Blink. As Norway is crushing it when it comes to transitioning entirely to EV’s, this seems like a no-brainer. There is a merger underway and the symbol will change to EVB, if you’re into SPACs there might be some action there. I honestly have no clue, just guessing, but in regards to just straight investing, TPGY/EVB is a great choice.

  5. F - Ford Motor Company. Why not Volkswagen? Well, I’m not saying it wouldn’t also be a great choice, but I’m certainly not doing any due diligence to be able to make a recommendation. With Ford, you can basically just faceroll the buy button all day and your money is safe.


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