Good Enough, Smart Enough
Did you expect another Stuart Smalley pic? So did I. Then I found this one.
Someone on Quora was asking how to combat low self-esteem. It’s too bad that Quora doesn’t allow me to link content. Once in a while I get away with it, but apparently they seem to think that all these pages are some sort of poorly veiled spam advertisement for affiliate products.
First, not ALL of them are.
Second, gotta pick your battles. Even turned down a page based on “confusing and misleading". Microsoft and Google have had similar reasons to decline ads, but you expect that from premium advertising services.
Oddly enough, Google has no problem with advertising , and
Anyway, without further ado, we all know why you’re here.
I’m Good Enough
I’m Smart Enough
And Doggone it, People Like Me
Honestly, you could find worse ways to spend $30 than getting yourself jazzed up about how awesome you are. Plus, if you’ve been following our Weekly Stock Picks, then $30 to you is just one OTM covered call away.