Cucumber & Tomato Salad


I was looking at the cucumber salad that Squarespace has in this template on the front page, and couldn’t easily copy/paste the image. It looks dope, and I love feta. Maybe it’s chevre. Either is fine with me. Ricotta? Doubt it, but that’d be good too. While searching, I found the above image and it also looks nice. The above image also looks good from above, as seen below.


So one of my first thoughts is, “hey, I can make this at work RIGHT NOW” but not right now and I probably won’t actually do it, mostly I’m scared of the mandolin.

Now I can’t say for certain, but that dressing looks suspiciously like the golden Italian available in cases of 4 1-Gallon jugs from Sysco (SYY). The green dill looking things are almost certainly dill. I thought maybe fennel fronds, and it’s possible, but with how firm the needles look, I’m leaning towards dill. EIther would work imo. Black sesame seeds, obviously. And if you want to replicate it exactly, start the outer ring at the 3:15 spot, you see it? The next ring start at 10:50. For the last four, go right, bottom, left, top. The cherry tomatoes I bet you come in a container labelled ‘grape’ tomatoes.

The only thing I don’t get are the lilypad looking things. No idea what those are.

Click here and buy….nevermind. I was going to suggest a cheapo book on growing your own herbs, followed by a modestly priced book about hydroponics. Trust me, ladies and gentlemen, you want to grow hydroponically indoors. It’s a lot less work with better yields. If you get really slippery, you can do aquaponics and raise trout in the waters that feed your tomatoes…. but idk man, I don’t know if I’d want to be worried about a fish jumping out of a “canal” in my basement in the middle of the night.


China Sucks

