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Critical Race Theory

Critical Race Theory is bullshit.

Well that was a fast article. I think we might have time for some Clickbank ads.

Just kidding, sort of. I’m sure there’s (possibly) some kind fuller depth to CRT besides “Whites are bad”, at least in some manifesto somewhere, but for all practical purposes it’s a convoluted way of promoting a segregated society.

“But Rocky!” you say, “You love segregation! You’re the most racist person I know!’.

This is true. I am racist. I’m pretty open about it. My black friends are cool with it. That’s why we’re friends - we can accept each other for who we are. All of the Mexicans I know are super racist. They discriminate the way they work - Constantly and sloppily.

Ah, but do I know any sand monkeys? Yes, I do, in fact. However, that individual prefers the phrase “camel jockey”.

So like, full disclosure, we’ve all managed to both be racist and get along with each other. I don’t really see the problem here.

Regarding segregation, I personally love it. Also, it happens naturally and automatically when people are left to their own devices. However, forcing segregation is just as patently flawed an idea as forcing integration. Humans in general react very negatively when forced to do anything. More-so when forced to do something they don’t like to do.

CRT, in a nutshell, tells us that white people who aren’t on welfare are the "Oppressors” or “Privileged”. Now, I wasn’t previously aware that I had any special privileges. I'm not sure how I’ll use this newfound knowledge, probably to oppress some black people and exercise my privileged status over them. Too bad I don’t own land suitable for agriculture.. My black friends do, but it’s not really the same when they’re harvesting crops because they want to.

So CRT is just the most popular acronym at the moment. Sort of. There is a dark side to Critical Race Theory (Ha!). They’re teaching this crap in schools, according to the TV. Really? I mean, f’ing really? First of all, most students are going to end up mis-identifying themselves and others. Is there any school in America that isn’t failing at education?

“But Rocky!”, you interrupt rudely, “Doesn’t this just prime a societal shift towards segregation as the norm, while consolidating privilege and wealth with the Oppressors?”

Yes! Obviously I see the allure in adding to my privilege. I’ll oppress whoever you want me to, just keep that privilege coming. Sorry Jamal, but you know how it is my nigga. Gotta gets that cheddar. So I can buy cheddar. (White people love cheese, particularly yellow cheeses). The problem, however, is that it isn’t the purpose or intended function of the public education system. You know, that thing that you and I pay for with our tax dollars.

Schools are a mess and not great at teaching. However, if you throw enough English and Algebra at enough kids, eventually you’ll get a handful that can take AP Humanities and Calculus I and II.

:”But Rocky!”, you say as I become visibly irritated, “Students aren’t allowed to do well anymore!”. That’s a whole other mess of bullshit we’re not going to get into. What are we getting into? Oh yeah.

We don’t need this racist crap being taught in schools. Sure, talk about race, why people have different skin color, and why those different skin tones also coincide with enlarged craniums (and wieners). That’s all well and good. But using schools to push OPINION is a whole lot of Nope.

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