COVID-19 Hoax

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I mostly just wanted to bitch about stupid people. I was talking to my mom about the election and media and whatnot. Mind you we both claim to be Republican, yet she lives like a Democrat squeezing every little bit of entitlement out of the system as possible, but I digress. I had been watching some of the Democrat propaganda (tbh I’m not even sure the Democrat party really has any influence at this point over the major media outlets. Hell, Biden could flip Republican and MSNBC would still be pushing the same narrative, I bet), trying to maintain an objective point of view. Ya know, that old exercise from school where you pretend to be an alien and have no horse in the race of whatever contentious issue is being discussed.

So I was explaining how, even if everything they’re saying is true, that they essentially contradicted themselves in a certain article. (Do your own homework, gtfo). Somehow though, I was the bad guy. I was wrong to listen to an opposing viewpoint with an open mind, and find data from that viewpoint that supports the one side I agree with…. Then it got me thinking about this guy at work that bitches about having to wear a mask, but freaks out about possible Covid transmission because the boss picked off his plate… Or the Mexicans (legal, not the fun kind) that bitch about Trump even though they enjoy the tax cuts and removal of the ACA penalty for not having insurance. Oh and apparently they aren’t looking forward to the shutdown that could happen in January….UGH. The biggest retard here is me, for continuing to surround myself with idiots that don’t know what their own values are.

Then I thought, screw it, just put a quasi-clickbait thingy. Quasi because even though hoax isn’t the right word, what you see on TV is mostly bullshit.

OR! Or, what would be even better, is if my goddamn bluetooth would connect so I could do what I had planned on in the first place. And at this point I don’t even want to get the USB cable just out of principle. My computer and phone both know when I have to take a dump before I do, but they can’t figure out how to connect to each other. You gotta be kidding me. Are we back in 2001 when it was normal for wireless techs to not always work proper? And even at that, I don’t recall having as much trouble getting my Wii to work wirelessly by using multiple adapters to allow my computer to act as a wireless router…


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