China Enslaves Zimbabwe


Chinese forced labor in Zimbabwe.

Palki Sharma Upadhyay, the news anchor for Gravitas on WION, reported a couple days ago about the Chinese enslavement of Zimbabwe. It’s traditional slavery, with Chinese characteristics.

In one factory, collapsed workers are picked up using forklifts. Then dropped 3 floors. They don’t mention whether or not any of these people die, or are already dead.

It’s not really a super uncommon thing in Africa for people to die on the job. Usually though it’s because of typical African negligence and irresponsible behavior. This is Chinese working Africans to literal death.

One factory’s meal given to workers was spoiled porridge and cabbage with no oil. I assume they mean the cabbage was cooked without oil and thus sucks even worse than regular cabbage. Not sure what cold oil would do to already cooked cabbage.

A Chinese mine owner shot two workers that demanded unpaid wages. Goddamn!

Zimbabwe is $10 billion in debt to China. Some collateral includes a new coal-fired power plant, and an international airport. Palki Sharma Upadhyay lists a couple of others as well.

Zimbabwe is super poor. You could buy trillion-dollar bills from Zimbabwe for like $1.20. There may have been some kind of resolution to the insane inflation they had, or not, I’m unsure. Either way, the country remains ridiculously impoverished. It’s in Africa, so I mean…the odds were against them to begin with. Point being, $10B is impossible for Zimbabwe to pay back.

Not paying China back isn’t really an option. Zimbabwe isn’t exactly on great terms with the normal world. If China decides to seize land and property by force, nobody is going to stop them. Zimbabwe is effectively a slave state to China. They can do it the easy way, or the hard way. The result will be the same.

The easy way might accidentally be more comfortable, if only because it means less work for China.


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