The Ultimate Indian


Shekhar Gupta isn’t just any old Indian man that loves telling stories. He is -the- old Indian man that loves telling stories.

I saw a video entitled, “Chamoli flood brings focus on nuclear device IB-CIA opt lost at” on YouTube, so obviously I had to watch. The gentleman above starts by talking about a nuclear-powered nuclear detection device (I think) that the CIA left behind in the Himalayas and for some reason is common knowledge for Indians(?). Anyway, it’s a benign device that has a battery that puts Elon Musk’s entire life to shame. Now for the next 24 minutes prepare to listen to stories completely unrelated to this.

Around the 14 minute mark, maybe 17? Anyway at some point the story gets to a point to where the old man is telling a story about himself approaching an old man to get him to tell a story.

The old man is telling a story about telling a story about an older man telling a story, in order to tell the story about the story.

I don’t even have an opinion anymore, I’m just willing to accept whatever the premise is. He’s going to great lengths to correlate details to a point where I just want it to stop.


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