Rockydennis Presents
Quora Ad Landing Page


Hello, and welcome! If you’re looking at this page, then you most likely are here because of an ad placed on Quora. An ad about 13 reasons why smoking is bad. Completely in Indonesian.

If you’ve enjoyed my Quora responses (and math numbers suggest that at least one person has), you may enjoy one or more of our Rockydennis Presents Blog posts, which can be found at

If you’re wondering what this page has to do with anything, I suspect you clicked on the ad because “Berhenti Merokok” means something to you. Or you want it to.

Now, Quora doesn’t allow me to link to a non-English page. While most of the site is entirely in English, we do take a special interest in Indonesia and from time to time will write (copy/paste from Google translate) stuff in Indonesian.

That’s fair, I suppose. It’s better than the reason Google ads rejected my campaign. Did you know that you cannot run anti-smoking Google ads in Indonesia? And 240+ other countries, as well. I assume because quit smoking still involves smoking. Which….whatever, I don’t agree. Leave it at that.

Allegedly the page I was promoting, This One, is supposedly “a poor landing page experience”. Well now, it might not be spectacular but I’m not sure that it’s particularly poor. Hurtful. I hope this page’s experience is acceptable or fair.

Click the image or button below, or one of the links above, to go to a page listing 13 reasons why smoking is bad. In Indonesian. Or just go back to the main site and see what you can find. Mostly affiliate links.