How to Accept Yourself
I was just going to copy/paste from whatever first result I got from Google, and of course add some kind of retarded affiliate link.
Then I saw the top responses. I assume they’re all equally terrible and filled with affiliate links and unrelated ads. That’s a given for any top ranking website. What I didn’t see coming, but probably should have, was the lack of any useful information.
I didn’t even need to visit any page, since the SEO descriptions all say pretty much the same thing. "Just Accept Yourself.” Yeah, but how? “Do these 8 things. 1. Accept yourself for who you are.” What? Yeah no shit, Sherlock, that’s what we’re trying to do. But how? “Just be yourself, and be happy with who you are.” Yes, that is generally good advice, but HOW?
I’m not above copying/pasting stuff to make magic internet money. In fact, it’s what I’m all about. I suck at it, but that’s why we’re not betting the farm on being able to sell books about How To Make Your Parrot Stop Biting. Actually, that book is worth buying because it gives you actual information about HOW to make your parrot stop biting. What about How to Accept Yourself?
Okay, done hammering on the How conundrum. Next, I’m going to copy/paste one of the lists that are supposed to be the solution. Afterwards, we’ll discuss how to actually achieve self-acceptance. Not the Wiki one, that’s 15 goddamn steps. Since when did Wiki get so try-hard? Screw wikis.
Honestly, even though it’s only $4, you will get a lot more out of it if you’re already somewhat comfortable with confronting your own fears and insecurities. There’s an actual legit eBook at the very bottom, but it’s $14.
1. Consciously prevent negative thinking patterns
Alright, yeah, that’s solid advice. Matter of fact, this nugget of wisdom saves me from having to…type literally the exact same thing. Recognizing and avoiding negative thoughts goes a long way towards being happier in general, regardless of how little you accept yourself.
2. Accept your imperfections
BULLSHIT. It only took two steps to bring me back to my whole point of frustration to begin with. Is Nike sponsoring these people? Just Do It is great advice when you know how to f’ing do it.
3. Use positive self-talk
This is super gay and I’m not going to brag to my coworkers about my positive self-talk I did in the morning. Actually, I might, but I’m retarded and eccentric. Normal people keep this crap to themselves.
That being said, positive self-talk is extremely effective. You won’t notice it working, but just commit to a few minutes every day and in a year you’ll be able to appreciate the benefit it brought you. Or don’t, idgaf what you do.
4. Disregard what other people might think about your decisions
YES. THIS. This is like, 75% of the whole deal. Stop giving a F*** what other people think. You don’t owe them anything. How important are they, anyway? Are they coworkers? Your burnout friends from college? Your family that wants nothing to do with you? Who are these terrible people that you want to impress so badly?
F ‘em. You are the only person that matters. Actually, no F you, too. I’m the only person that matters. Incidentally, I also love and accept myself for all my flaws and mistakes, past and future.
5. Avoid worrying
99% of all the crap you worry about either involves other people, or is not something you can do anything about. When you start to worry about stupid crap, remind yourself that by this time tomorrow the crisis will have resolved itself, with or without your observation and/or intervention.
Oh no, your kids aren’t home on time and their phones are off, dear Lord, time to freak out. Oh wait, they’re kids…they’re probably stealing beer from their friend’s neighbor’s garage fridge and smoking cigarettes that their other friend’s cool sister bought for everyone.
When they don’t turn up for free meal time, then it’s time to worry. With this in mind, how much energy do you really need to invest in wondering if the IRS is going to audit you because you didn’t declare $0.87 in dividends on your TradeStation account?
6. Try your best and accept that you’ve done what you could
When you’ve put forth an honest effort, you’ll have no regrets. That day, that hour, that minute where you fail is going to suck and you’ll probably hate yourself and want to cry. But after a good a night’s rest, you’ll get over it and be happy that you gave it the old college try.
7. Focus on your positive qualities
Ehh, I mean…yes, I agree, but this is sort of like telling you to just accept yourself. Odds are you, don’t recognize any positive qualities in yourself. In fact, you may not even have any positive qualities. In all likelihood, you don’t. You’re a terrible person and we all hate you.
Here’s a ShortCut Solution To Accepting Yourself!
Alright, so how do we go about accepting ourselves? A huge part of it is just not giving thought to what other people think. It’s normal to always think that people are always thinking about you, judging you, criticizing you silently…and there are certainly people you will meet that do that. Usually some fat pudge at work who will never achieve anything in life besides showing up for work. /golfclap
The reality is, most people don’t think about you much at all. For real, they don’t. You just aren’t important enough. They’re more focused on the most important person. Me.
Just kidding, they’re totally in love with themselves. And you can be, too! In love with yourself, I mean, not those losers.
I had no idea this meme existed until 30 seconds ago when I searched the phrase to try to find a decent image to insert. Hell yeah, talk about winning the lotto.
Once you get rid of the “other people” factor, the only person you need to impress is you. You get to judge yourself, but also can change the behavior and attitudes you don’t like!
Peer support groups can also be beneficial. I’m not sure where you find them outside of a recovery setting, but I’m sure there’s some group somewhere that convenes to discuss their daily journey towards self-love. Us alcoholics can always just go to AA.
It might take you quite a bit of work to determine what is you do and do not approve of. What you’d like to change, what unresolved emotional questions you might have that hold you back in one way or another, etc. I suggest having pen and paper handy at all times (just in general, tbh). You’ll often not need them, but the last thing you want is to suddenly want to write something down and be unable to. in 2 minutes when you find a pen and notebook, you won’t give a shit anymore and be back to hating yourself. Cuz human psychology.
Alright, here’s a picture. Good-bye.
You wanted to buy something? Here’s an affordable e-book, it’s like $14. it says all the same stuff I do, but much more articulately and probably way more interesting to read.