Hassan Musselmani. On Chopped.
Using a picture of Hassan on a post generated traffic. To the person who searched specifically for a picture of him on Chopped, here you go. It’s the only one on Yahoo! images.
Then I got to thinking…how much do you want a picture of Hassan Musselmani? Like, are you willing to pay? What about a Snap? What about a phone call from the man himself? I haven’t asked him, but I’m certain if there was money involved it’d be a no-brainer.
Then I got to thinking…what if I threaten to dox him? But he’s got nothing I want, besides that special brand of Arab beard. So blackmail is kind of out of the picture.
I could probably just ask him for a selfie, without threats or extortion. But that’s less lulz, and I don’t want to lose respect. Maybe a YouTube appearance if Rockydennis Presents ever becomes a profitable enterprise. We do love spreading ourselves thin here at RDP Arkenstone LLC and Rockydennis Presents, but some things just have to wait.