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Zelensky is a War Criminal

Howdy ya’ll, and welcome to another page about Volodomyr Zelensky. Wtf is that really his first name? So it’s basically just Vladimir but he’s trying to be a woke snowflake about it? Figures.

Now before we get too deep here, let’s see what Google told us about being disqualified from adsense….

Dear Publisher,

Due to the war in Ukraine, we will pause monetization of content that exploits, dismisses, or condones the war. Please note, we have already been enforcing on claims related to the war in Ukraine when they violated existing policies (for instance, the Dangerous or Derogatory content policy prohibits monetizing content that incites violence or denies tragic events). This update is meant to clarify, and in some cases expand, our publisher guidance as it relates to this conflict.This pause includes, but is not limited to, claims that imply victims are responsible for their own tragedy or similar instances of victim blaming, such as claims that Ukraine is committing genocide or deliberately attacking its own citizens.


The Google AdSense Team

Well now! I hadn’t even thought of some of this stuff, but now I know what to look for. Thanks, Google!

So let’s see here… I guess we skip the “G’ word? That thing that some people do to other certain people. It happens in China all the time. In our lifetime we mostly witnessed Falun Gong get wiped out and now they’re working on the Uyghurs. (I assume all humans are 35 years old).

Tbh, even based on what the TV tells us, Putin isn’t really committing a G word. I mean, some journalists have blatantly stated that they need to redefine the G word to fit the situation…. what a buttload of crap. Honestly.

So we won’t be discussing how Zelensky is doing a G word of his own. Tbh, that doesn’t really fit either.

The G word does fit in the storyline where Putin and Zelensky collaboratively purge a certain region of the former Soviet Union of some people. I’m not even sure what those some people are. At first I thought Jews. That can’t be right, though. Not because Zelensky is a pretend Jew, but because it just doesn’t make sense. Israel would be losing its shit right now if that was the case.

Like, for real, there’d be nukes going off in the Ukraine, but they wouldn’t be Soviet in origin.

We can’t talk about deliberate killing of civilians? Wait…what? I don’t want to scroll back up. Anyway, I wonder if the volunteer soldiers count. YouTube shut down those stories super fast. Okay so basically it goes like this….

A bunch of randoms worldwide decided that they’re qualified to be the saviors of Zelensky’s country. Yeah, that’s really smart…volunteer to go fight for a foreign nation that you know absolutely nothing about. Seriously, I’d be surprised if half of these chuckleheads popping off about Ukraine this and Ukraine that can even find it on a map of Eurasia.

So these volunteer soldiers were getting there and then finding out that they weren’t going to be given much, if any, combat gear. They were told to march in unarmed and unsupported into Kiev. If they refused, the Ukrainian military would execute them.

They literally told Americans to march to their death, or die where they stand. Well, probably some Canadians, too. To be fair, they did sign their own death warrant by making such a dumb decision. They should make better choices.

“But Rocky!”, you say. “How can anyone know of such things if the only witnesses are dead?”

Great question! You mistakenly assume, however, that the only witnesses to this slaughter were the victims themselves. Which victims…? Okay, the Volunteers. Er, volunteer soldiers.

First of all, let’s use our brain thinking minds to think of if we were already as good as dead. Obviously you might as well try to escape, since you’ve got literally nothing to lose. Remember, the silly boomers trying to play war aren’t the only ones over there. There’s plenty of humanitarian, aid, and relief workers. People that have been doing actual volunteering with actual results. BUT F THAT NOISE, WE DON’T CARE ABOUT DETAILS LIKE HISTORY FACTS

So yeah, the aid workers helped a handful of people escape the Ukraine. It’s pretty much impossible to know any more than that. You’ve got opposing forces censoring the same information. World is One hasn’t mentioned anything about humanitarian aid workers or volunteer foreign fighters since YouTube attempted to suspend them….

In general it’s pretty much impossible to know what’s really going on in Zelensky’s nazi regime, or to really know much of anything that’s actually going on in the world around us. That is, until Google decides to specifically ban certain ideas that are within the realm of possibility. It’s like, I wasn’t putting too much stock into anything being specifically true up until Google specifically said certain things are untrue and must not be discussed.

…..really bro? You want to control people’s thoughts, yet you’re just going to work towards the opposite outcome?

Imagine you live in an imaginary village, unremarkable in every way except for one. In the town square is a circle curtain, hiding something. You’re pretty sure it’s cake. Like, you have reason to believe that there is most definitely cake in there. Now, you can’t find out, because it’s electrified and guarded by armed mercenaries. For health, or safety, or something.

After a moment, you realize you’ll never know, it won’t affect you in any way, and besides it’s probably not even really cake. It’s probably something boring and stupid like a live nuclear warhead or something. YAWN. But then, as you’re walking away, your phone vibrates. It’s an urgent message - and it’s from Google! It’s a group message to everyone in your village, reminding you not to worry about the circle curtain because it’s definitely NOT cake, and talking about there being cake will get you banned from talking.

……seems like that’s some serious overkill. UNLESS…..There’s actually cake! OMFG IT’S CAKE JESUS CHRIST ALMIGHTY

Zelensky is a War Criminal for G…….iving cake to American volunteers.

Sorry United Kingdom, your civilian deaths are below my line of caring. SHOULDA MADE BETTER CHOICES