Rockydennis Presents

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You Can Be Successful!

If this guy can make a living in America, anyone can.

Setting goals is important, and it’s best if they are obtainable goals. I obtained a goal today that I had put on the backburner due to the partial shutdown of Michigan. In fact just earlier today I was thinking about how I won’t reach that goal by the end of the month without sacrificing unnecessarily somewhere else. Then just a moment ago whilst I was defecating, I checked my phone to see that RIOT continued going up after-hours. The exact figure I wanted to see before the end of December in my primary account was equal to the amount you can contribute annually tax-free to an IRA. I don’t think I can liquidate it all before the end of the year, though.

I’ve also passed 15 months of abstinence and sobriety.

I managed to get banned for the rest of 2020 from Lord of the Rings Online, on both of my accounts. JerrySandusky isn’t a good character name for a General Audience game.

These things maybe don’t matter to most of you, or really to anyone, but the fact that I’ve been able to arrive at this point from where I was….Look folks, if I can do it, so can you.

Whether you’re fresh into recovery, or still in the shit waiting to die, or maybe you just know someone that’s struggling, it can be done. Just for today.