Weekly Stock Picks


*Yawn* Oh hi, didn’t see you there. Did you enjoy President’s Day? Are you ready for a day of doing nothing after back-to-back fake holidays?

This week is a bad week to be strategizing. Matter of fact, I had a lot of money to move around this week, but as the weekend dragged on, meh. The question is, how do we make responsible investing decisions, while still making sure our money isn’t just sitting in a bank account, depreciating? Safety first.

  1. ORC - Monthly dividends of 14%. Also tradeable on options. I think monthly, maybe weekly. Doesn’t matter because it’s $5.67. and the options are in $2.50 increments. But hey, 14% monthly at a low entry cost.

  2. STAG - Higher entry cost. Honestly I didn’t add more shares this week, but only because I already added more recently.

  3. ACB - “But Rocky!”, you say, “What the hell, man?!”. Alright alright, you got me. I’m not buying this outright, BUT, this week’s cash secured puts at $13.50 nets a $74 credit. “But Ro-!”. hold on, bud. This price isn’t going to fluctuate much in the near future. You can safely sell the shares on Monday.

  4. SNDL - Steady at $2 share, at least at this moment, you can sell CSP’s from between 20% and 30% return. Any lower and your contracts will sell before you even hit “submit”. If there’s any fast moves, it’ll be in the upward direction, at least for now. This is part of the new normal, so just think of $2 is the new $1. (If this confuses you, just put your money into canned food, water, and ammunition).

  5. NAK - Climbing up to $.90/share this week, and monthly options expiring. I added a handful of puts, averaging 17% return. I’ll probably keep the shares, but in theory you could sell on Monday or do some buy/writes for this week and make an easy 10%+.

Just like angry investing, exhausted investing is still better than no investing. And in any situation where you’re acutely aware that your mental faculties are handicapped for any reason, play it safe! And don’t buy anything Chinese. Ever.


Look up “Gods Unchained”, a blockchain TCG. If you’re into this genre of game, you can turn your skills into Ethereum. I would just hold onto the digital assets, personally.

My Crypto Heroes is also a game where you can collect digital assets that can be monetized into currency which can be exchanged for fiat. It’s a turn-based RPG/arena type deal.

World of Warcraft gold is still quite valuable, from what I understand. I don’t know much so I can’t comment as to the security, or legality of it. I know LotRO doesn’t allow the exchange of in-game assets for real-world fiat (unless they’re the ones selling it, of course), so I can only assume WoW also has similar restrictions.

(People still sell gold for both games, obviously. You can buy entire accounts, for that matter.)


President’s Day


Don’t Buy Marijuana Stocks