Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks


I look at this picture, and I see the vest and bowtie, and wonder where I went wrong. When did I start wearing a a unisex suit and plastic face shield? What went so horribly awry?

Weekly Stock Picks

  1. VBIV - Because sometimes we all just need a b&%!@ to smack. That’s this stock.

  2. JNJ - As long as people keep getting dirty, Johnson & Johnson will keep getting them clean.

  3. NAK - It’s trading at strike, and as of right now it’s .. 12:42 AM , Monday morning. $0.52 share, $0.13 premium on $0.50 strike. I’m sorry, what’s 1 over 5? .2? TWENTY PERECENT %%%%%.

    Honestly I expect to see it drop to $.08 after open. Even then, $.05 would be a 10% monthly return so really, you can’t go wrong.

  4. SLG - Okay it’s the first dividend I clicked on, but it ticks two boxes for me. High yield, and in the real estate sector. I think.

  5. CLX - $202. 4.44% Annual dividdend. So $1.12 or something per share. Here’s my reasoning …. I threw a dart, so to speak. Not really, but you know.


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