Voter Fraud in America

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I was watching this YouTuber and kept getting irritated with his liberal sissy way of talking. (Turns out he’s a Republican which makes his failings as a human being inexcusable). The video was about some evidence of voter fraud in California. This guy tried to avoid saying the words “fraudulent votes” and even apologized when he did.

Now look, I expect that kind of crap from these people. I don’t even know if liberal or Democrat are appropriate categories. They certainly operate under the banner, but really it’s this socialist movement. And what is their dedication to the overly-stereotypical in-your-face faggotry? No one wants that. Yeah, those people. I expect them to talk with a lisp and apologize to their 3 followers on YouTube because they’re covering an “offensive” topic. OR, maybe he’s afraid of getting demonetized. EIther way.

So yeah, I think it’s been great that the silent majority has let the loud minority play make believe without interruption, and without starting arguments that’ll lead to them posting cell phone videos to YouTube of themselves screaming about how the Indians raped Americans in the French Revolution.

Anyway, it seems like the cable TV media is doubling down on pretending that Trump lost. Which is weird because overwhelmingly all I seem to find is new videos on the daily, hours old sometimes, of new developments in the exposure of systematic voter fraud. As far as I’ve gathered, there’s 3 notable sets of legal actions ongoing.

There’s the Guiliani team pursuing some specific objective, there’s the Powell team working to expose mass voter fraud, which is what I thought the former mayor of New York was doing but not exactly? Then there’s some group pursuing legal actions to expose voter fraud, but it has nothing to do directly with politics somehow.

I don’t blame Trump for going full kill mode, on the situation, though. Stopping the New World Order and its globalist agenda isn’t like trying to keep the truck after your wife decides a minivan is suddenly a life-or-death necessity.


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