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Treasury Auction Schedule

This is the upcoming tentative auction schedule for US Treasury Securities.

You could look up the recent auction results, or just go off what I can remember from briefly glancing at it half an hour ago.

4 Week Bills are, and have been, coming in at over 5%. 13 and 26 between 4.9% and 5%.

As you go into longer holding periods, via Notes and Bonds, the yield decreases (as you might expect). Both are around the 3.5-4.2% range, with Bonds sitting all below 4%.

Floating Rate Notes and TIPS are what they are. FRN yields vary with interest rates, and TIPS yields as well. The nice thing about TIPS is that at maturity, you are guaranteed your principal back (if not more), so you literally cannot ever lose money on TIPS.

Remember folks, when you buy directly from the Treasury (at, you can invest with little as $100 at a time!

Wondering why we care so goddamn much about stupid US Treasuries? Check out this article about why you can never lose money when you buy US Debt!

“But Rocky!”, you say, “The US Dollar is failing! CBDC’s! Ukraine! Scary words like inflation! Quantitative Easing! PetroDollar!”

More like Quantitative GTFO. The USD isn’t going anywhere. The very most basic thing that any currency needs to be effective is the faith of the people holding it. Whether it’s gold, or coal, or pieces of cotton fabric, or numbers on a computer screen - its value doesn’t come from anything tangible. Its value comes solely from the faith of the people holding and using it.

Now, how that value is derived can be debated, and certainly asset-backed currency is more objective and transparent than debt notes created through fractional reserve banking, but it doesn’t matter.

”But Rocky!”, you interrupt once more, “What if other countries just stop caring? BRICS is already..”

And here’s why.

Might makes right. America has the most might, and has proven time and again that it’s willing to send entire nations back to the stone age in order to protects its own economic interests.

What about Europe?”

What about Europe? They depend entirely on the US Military to keep safe from the uncivilized hordes of the Far East and Africa. The “defense force" of each nation in Europe barely qualifies as such.

If some ignorant cuck in your life is trying to tell you that the USD is going bye-bye, offer them $50 to shut the hell up. See how fast they accept your offer.

Then slap the taste out their mouth and don’t give them anything. It’s a hard lesson, but a necessary one.