Success in 2021


It’s the 5th of January already and I haven’t really set myself out any kind of goals or plans for the new year. And that’s fine, I guess, but I don’t want to lose focus.

Alright fam, right here and now let’s draft up a few key points for 2021. After all, 2020 went pretty well, so we just gotta keep the momentum going.

  1. Keep it sober. Abstinence has never caused something bad to happen.

  2. Generate an extra paycheck per week. If you’ve been able to get on board with writing calls, great, this should be easy to do. What is a fair deadline? $50/week + reinvest earned premiums (basically give yourself a 10% compounded interest rate)…. let’s say 20 weeks? Then at the bare minimum we have saved $1000.

  3. Hit Rank 10 on Reaver. I’ll just have to avoid getting banned.

That’s a pretty fair, pretty doable list. Not asking a lot of ourselves. This also leaves open the possibility of taking on some other large challenge or project this year.

I really hate going to work. I just want it to be over with. Still, I’m glad to have made the decisions I did with my money. Better to make a $500 mistake than a $50,000 mistake, right?

Goal 4. Have No Regrets


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