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Stop Apologizing!

People really need to stop taking the blame and apologizing for things that they aren’t responsible for.

I see this story about a 22 year old girl who freaked out because some young teen stole her phone. I think it’s safe to say that -anyone- would be upset if some little shit tried to take their phone. Now I’m not sure if you’ve ever encountered a woman, but they tend to be very….animated…when they’re upset.

She is now facing like four different charges, including grand larceny. The kid involved, and his dad, were trying to charge the young lady with a hate crime. Aaaand they’re black. Of course. Sorry black people, but this is how we feel when we get associated with Henry Kissinger and international power leveraging.

There’s some unanswered questions here, of course, such as, “So did he steal the phone?” You’d think this crucial bit of information would be answered in the first 30 seconds.

Anyway, the woman ended up apologizing for being a victim. (Not explicitly stating for being a victim, that’s a different kind of thing). I’ve noticed this more and more over the past few years. Well, pretty much since Jesse Jackson gave Universal Black Authority to Barak Obama. People apologizing for things they didn’t do, didn’t say, or aren’t responsible for.

Consistently capitulating to whatever an angry person says, just to make them happy, only reinforces the behavior and teaches them that they can get away with it. It’s like dealing with the ‘Terrible Two’s’, except it’s grown adults.

If I’m ever in this kind of situation, I’d tell the press that I’m sorry they feel deserve an apology.