Rockydennis Presents

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Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks

Another holiday-season week, another set of weekly stock picks.

Wow, the market is really trying hard to find a bottom! Just about everything is down, which means just one thing…. time to buy!

  1. HAS - $57.93/share, quarterly dividends annualized at 4.73%, monthly options. Ex-div 1/31. We’re just averaging down, and how! Our buy-in price was $100, and since we plan to hold essentially forever, this is a huge discount in our eyes.

  2. NEWT -$18.86/share, quarterly dividends annualized at 14.66%, monthly options, ex-div 12/19. By the time you’re reading this, it’s too late for December’s ex-div. We still recommend picking up some shares while the price is under $20.

  3. UEC -$3.17/share, monthly options. We love all things nuclear, so naturally the Uranium Energy Corporation is one of our favorites.

  4. LTC - $37/share, monthly dividends annualized at 5.95%, monthly options, ex-div 12/21. The price is actually higher than our cost-basis average, but still at a discount over the long-term. This is REIT is a solid performer, providing a nice return on top of price stability.

  5. HCDIP -$6.42/share, monthly dividends annualized at 30.76%, ex-div 12/29. This isn’t quite a REIT, though it does pay out monthly. The price is way down, which is good for averaging down our cost basis. The high annual return estimate is, of course, a result of the price depression.

    Here’s a lightly edited copy/paste from the company summary.

    This company is a real estate development company. The Company is engaged in the land development cycle, including land acquisition, entitlements, development, construction of project infrastructure, construction, marketing, sales, and management of various residential projects in Washington, California, Texas and Florida. The Company is a developer and home builder accepting payment in the form of cryptocurrency for its properties

    WOW! Too bad retail has mostly dropped out of crypto, leaving it largely in the hand of institutional investors and large banks. Guess they’re going to be the ones who end up acquiring these properties….

    Which is great news for us as shareholders!

    On that note, we’d like to draw attention to Bitcoin. Other cryptocurrencies aside, Bitcoin has been gobbled up by the big players in finance. Are we supposed to believe that this is just a passing fad when Visa is one of the world’s largest holders of BTC? Come on now.

    Does this mean you should be investing in BitCoin? YES. But, responsibly. We also suggest holding British Pounds and Japanese Yen. Of course, that’s after maxing your IRA and picking up U.S. Treasury securities.