Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks

This week we’re generally disinterested and less than motivated to be super picky.

Actually, KNOP ex-divs this week. We like KNOP. We also like ORC and STAG, which ex-div this week. Honestly, we just love REIT’s in general.

  1. KNOP - $15.52/share, ex-div 10/26, $2.08 annually, distributed quarterly. That’s some double digit return right there! ~13%’

    The good news is, this isn’t far off the mark for “normal”. KNOP has been giving us consistently high dividend yields since we began buying shares. We’re not checking the full history, because it doesn’t matter. For us. You may want to take a peek for curiosity’s sake.

  2. PSEC - $6.95/share, $0.06/month. Speaking of consistently high yields….

  3. RIOT - $5.83/share, options trade weekly, typically high volatility. If you’ve been on board the RIOT train with us since the start, you definitely will appreciate this fantastic opportunity to average down, and hopefully round off another 100 shares.

    LEAPS may be preferable, if you’re trading with TD Ameritrade. The “special margin requirements” can definitely take the wind out from your under sails.

  4. PINS - $21.50/share, options trade weekly, typically juicy premiums. What’s not to love?

    Fun Fact : Pinterest is the world’s largest search engine. Trust us, we know that sounds ridiculous, but it’s a real thing. Go ahead, dig deep and figure all this out. It’ll bore you to death unless you’re an ultra mega nerd.

    Pinterest is also generally stable. The price will move around a bit, but $20-25 is pretty typical. This is our sweet spot. Enough volatility for a paycheck, while remaining fairly predictable.

  5. HAS - $65.49 , $0.70/quarter, options trade monthly. We’re happy to pay $100/share (and have), so for $65…yes please!

    Hasbro is an obvious long-term winner.


Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks


Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks