Rockydennis Presents

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Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks

This month is a normally tight pinch for us, exacerbated by the fact that we often do not follow our own advice. That works out in our favor, to some degree, as it keeps fresh in our memories how easy it is to succumb to impatience, greed, and fear.

This is one reason we recommend having a day job, or some kind of part-time work. Yes, there’s some risk-free income, and banks certainly prefer to loan to individuals that can show a W-2 and direct payroll deposits…but those are secondary.

The reason having a job outside of investing/trading, at least as amateurs, is to stop ourselves from making poor choices based on impulse. In our own portfolios, for example, we see greater gains from sticking to our plans and looking at market trends week-to-week, not day-to-day.

Consistency in strategy goes a long way to protecting one’s self from significant losses. Words of wisdom aside, let’s go the candy shop!

  1. FCO - $5.15/share, ex-div 9/22, 16%+ annualized. This typically means one of two things, and today it means the share price is selling at a discount. The total return per share is $0.84, paid in $0.07 monthly increments.

    This will likely be adjusted next year, and we expect to continue to be satisfied.

    We like automatically re-investing our monthlies. You don’t pay a tax on the dividend, and it’s effectively compounding. What’s not to love here?

  2. PCF - $7.21/share, ex-div 9/20, $0.89 paid in monthly increments of $0.073, for an estimated 12.37% annualized return. The share price will allow us to average down, but not by a great deal.

  3. RWT - $7.11/share, ex-div 9/22, quarterly dividends of $0.23/share. This company deals in real estate credit and financing, in a nutshell. We didn’t need any additional information. We like real estate, we like finance… this is an easy win.

  4. BBBY - $8.05/share, options trade weekly. Now that the Jan 2025 options are up for sale, we recommend buying opening a LEAP at the $10 strike. It’ll cost you about $500.

    Alternatively you could spend a bit more for a lower strike, or buy the shares outright, but it does carry “special margin requirements” on TD Ameritrade.

  5. NEGG - $2.75/share, weekly options. Once again we’re looking at the Jan 2025 LEAP options. Newegg tends to shower us with volatility from time to time, and typically has a share price above $4.