Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks

As summer wraps up to an end, the stock market is up over what we saw in July. What does that have to do with our picks this week? Not a whole lot, other than some energy dividends being larger than last quarter.

  1. PMD - $6.63, ex-div 8/23, $0.07 per quarter. At about 4.22% annualized, this isn’t spectacular. This company works in one specific category - drug testing via hair samples. It’s a very niche methodology of sampling, and is unique in its ability to detect past drug use with accuracy.

    There’s no reason to believe this company is going to have a dramatic increase, or any increase, in value. At the same time, there’s no reason to think they won’t have some reliable revenue for many years to come.

    We expect the long-term price to slowly inch its way down. In fact, we don’t recommend buying shares. We suggest shorting this one with a long-term view.

  2. PPT - $3.87/share, ex-div 8/23, 8.06% annualized paid in monthly increments of $0.026. We like having monthlies on a DRIP (automatically re-invest your dividends back into more shares - this is not a taxable event). Putnam Premier Trust. The name ain’t half bad either.

  3. CGAU - $4.60, ex-div 8/24, 4.68% annualized. We like this as a means of getting exposure to gold prices (not actual gold - if you don’t hold it, you don’t own it), and see this price as an absolute steal.

    If it’s under $7, we’re buying.

  4. ZIM - $49.52 , ex-div 8/25, $4.75 dividend. Jesus. It doesn’t hurt that this is a global shipping company.

  5. GRAB - $3.44 , weekly options, high volatility. This is like Uber for southeast Asia.

    WKHS is similarly priced and also trades weekly options, and produces electric vehicles.

    Our prediction is that both stocks will correlate in price over the next five years, with non-congruent fluctuations during the interim.


Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks


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