Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks

This isn’t a great week for finding solid picks, as time is a factor more-so than usual, which makes it a great week for finding solid picks. Of course, making snap decisions on what to put our weekly investment dollars towards isn’t always a good idea. In fact, it’s normally not. Just once in a while to see where our journey takes us.

It helps as well that we primarily plan to hold our acquired equities for at least a year. Both because capital gains, but also because that’s a long time for opportunity to arise.

  1. SJT - $9/share, 10%+ annualized yield. San Juan Basin Royalty Trust also has monthly options. The strikes are $2.50 increments…yep, one of those. We typically don’t see a price rise as an ideal time to buy, at least not on its own (well, maybe for intraday trades), but we’ve seen a step up from $5 over the last several weeks and want to acquire more shares before the price breaks $10 (And it will).

    Pretty much every stock is going to increase in price overall for obvious-ish reasons, but SJT we feel confident it will perform well.

  2. LLNW - Limelight Networks is at $5.19 as of close Friday. This is a good time to order up some spreads. We’re not particularly trying to acquire shares, but the next time the price hits $3 we might consider it. YMMV.

  3. GPS - $13.52 a share, this is the symbol for The Gap, Inc. You might as well just call it "Old Navy” because that’s literally half of the whole company’s operations. Ex-div on Tuesday, yield annualizes at 3.28%.

    The Gap, Inc options trade weekly. Nice. We also anticipate a rise to $20 in the near future and beyond.

  4. IVR - $2.31 a share, $0.09 ex-div on Thursday, 4/7/2022. Quarterly. Weekly options as well.

    This one really isn’t our cup of tea, but the price is right and the options are mediocre. That dividend, though. The 15% can’t last, but Invesco will, so….we’ll see how this one tastes later on down the road.

  5. OFLX - $134.51 a share. Ex-div Friday. 0.92% annualized.

    Obviously the name “OmegaFlex” is absolutely the best. Just for fun though, we checked out the basic summary and were quite satisfied. Here is an excerpt.

    Omega Flex Inc is a manufacturer of flexible metal hoses. It operates in the segment of manufacture and sale of flexible metal hose and accessories which are used for gas piping within residential and commercial buildings.

    We fully expect long-term satisfaction. Options…not sure, Nasdaq returned an error (so probably not but still maybe), and we’re out of time for this week.


Rocky’s Weekly Stock Picks


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